
Why is science <span title="everything??????????????????????????????????">everything???????????????...</span>

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  1. Because it means &#039;knowledge&#039;. Meaning, everything we know is part of science.

  2. Science is everything because it used logical methodology such as math to model and explain things that happen around us. We make mathematical representations to model real life scenarios. So science helps us understand the world around us in a logical manner.

  3. Science is not everything, it is one way we try to make sense out of the universe. If we want to understand a physical phenomenon then science provides a way--I would argue the best way--to proceed.

  4. Science is everywhere because everything is related to science. science is describing the physical world around us and the laws that govern them, the forces that move them, how different things interact, how everything works in a fundamental level, trying to understand what how the world is in many levels from the quantam level to the galactic level and everything in between, the logical explanation of our universe. All these add up to science being everywhere and everything in the universe can be described by science from the birth of a star to the fall of an apple and life. It is a very fundamental part of our life and is undoubtedly in the vast universe.

  5. cause it asks why thing are the way they are *********

  6. Because it just is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. Science is an attempt to describe and understand the laws of nature. It is not the end-all, be-all of everything.

    There is a famous quote, author unknown:

    &quot;Science is what we do when we don&#039;t know what we are doing.&quot;

  8. Science is not &quot;everything&quot;. It is not an atom, a bug, or a planet. Those are objects. A great many things in the universe are objects, but science is not one of them. Perhaps you mean it *explains* everything. If so, reflect on why you did not or could not articulate that thought. Science is a methodology for explaining things in a predictive, reproducible, and verifiable way (unlike most schools of thought). It does not explain &quot;everything&quot; ... only a subset of those things which are indeed predictive, reproducible, and verifiable. It cannot explain things like why your last girlfriend dumped you, for example, because such events lack those properties.

  9. I would not say that science _is_ everything.

    I would say that you can use science to try to explain everything. That is what science is all about... trying to explain anything and everything that you see, hear, smell, touch, taste and think.

    Science is man&#039;s way of trying to figure out the world, inparticular, why the things of the world are the way they are...   ...and also why the things of the world exist.

    Another simplified way of looking at it is to think of science as a clasification system. You classify everything you see into categories, then when you come across something that you&#039;re not sure which &quot;box&quot; to put it in, you investigate it&#039;s parts and why it does what it does so that you can clasify it.

    Science is a way that humans can better understand the world around them. Another way of trying to understand the world is called religion. Lets not get into that debate.

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