
Why is seafood really expensive?

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I've always wanted to know why it was.




  1. harder to catch and cook

  2. Because its very expensive to harvest

  3. Transportation and fuel costs. After catching it, the boat must cool and carry the seafood to a processing plant, which, of course, is by the water. Then it must be flown or trucked to the point of sale.

  4. 1. Logistics involved in getting it to your home.

    2. Its a rare thing

    3. Demand is more than Supply!

  5. because the weather the fisherman working in is harsh so it would cost more to get the food to us.

  6. Seafood is usually wild so ther's alot more involved in getting it to your plate then farmed foods are.

  7. because most likely the seafood you are eating lives way off many coasts causing:

    fuel consuption to get to the part of the ocean it lives in naturally- farm raised seafood does not taste the same

    fishing is dangerous, costing lives of fishermen therefore high insurance for the fishermen/boats

    fuel to get the seafare to your grocer/resaurant plus need for freezing, refirigeration, pay to drivers, pay to people who prepare it, packaging, cost for the supply that spoiled on the way, because seafood expires quickly...etc

    some of these you pay for with most continental meats but the shipping and means of gathering seafood require much more effort.

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