
Why is second hand smoking worse then actually smoking?

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I've looked on the Internet and how people say second hand smoking is worse then actually smoking but no one actually supports that.

So, why? Because I don't believe it.




  1. it's not completely accurate to say, secondhand smoking is worse than actually smoking. what is true is, that the smoke you inhale when sucking on a cigarette is less dangerous than the smoke emitted from the cigarette while you hold it in your hand or put it down in an ashtray. this is due to the temperature of the smoke: more dangerous substances are burned when it's hotter.

    so secondhand smoking is worse, but for smokers, too, since they're inhaling far more of the "colder" smoke than somebody who's not smoking at all and therefore not that much around cigarettes.

  2. To be blunt if the person next to you is getting more of your smoke than you are when you are smoking then you are doing it wrong.

    Generally the people who say this are the ones trying to get smoking bans, or to seem to care about people's health without actually doing anything constructive about it, after all it's For The Children.

    Chances are that if you're in a city then the air pollution will be orders of magnitude more dangerous than passive smoking.

  3. i heard that it is worse because it is not filtered and for some reason after a smoker inhales, it does something to the smoke when it is exhaled....but im not sure

  4. If that were really true, why don't those people take up smoking to be healthier? See, makes no sense.

  5. They could mean the smoke that is not inhaled and exhaled but in the air from the burning cigarette as being more dangerous.

  6. Very few real facts for this exist.

    Only in case of children they say they get asthma more often.

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