
Why is s*x considered worse than violence in video games?

by Guest58963  |  earlier

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I read polls all the time saying that parents approve of violent games and games with multiple instances of cursing in them more than games with sexual content, such as a man and a woman having s*x.

How is an act that is keeping our race alive worse than violently cutting someones head off?




  1. you are oversimplifying the act of s*x - "an act that is keeping our race alive"

    you see, s*x 'in my opinion' should be something that is special, and meets TWO conditions. The first is that it is an act of love. And second that it is an act of life giving. You are using the argument of "keeping our race alive" BUT what you must understand today is that a high percentage of sexual intercourse is not used to satisfy BOTH of the conditions, rather it is just used for pleasure,fulfillingg the first criteria but not the second. So your argument about "keeping our race alive" is false because the s*x seen in most video games and movies is not about procreation, but rather lust and dirty gritty sexxx.

    And that is what s*x has become for a lot of people today. And it is the promotion of that dirty s*x that parents dont want, and rather they are choosing the lesser of tw evils if you will, the violence. You see it is much more likely for a kid of 13 or 14 to go out and have s*x than it is for them to get an AK-47 and go on a bloodthirsty rampage.  

  2. To me nothing in video games in bad, actually its all that stuff that makes them good

  3. Because violence doesn't get a 15 year old girl pregnant. Excluding rape though.

  4. Economics, chances of your little girl getting blown away by a thug 1/200 and the cost $5000 for a funeral, chances of her getting knocked up by a little christian boy unaware of condoms, 1/4 cost 400 to 40,000 for an abortion or to raise the babe to age 18.  Who would you rather try to avoid?  lol

    me?  Well the baby of course.

  5. because children will imitate what they see

    but violate in video games have been known to lower the risk of violins in the street unless your one those weirdo freaks who thinks life is a video game.

    parent just don't want to have to explain thing an are wimps

  6. Welcome to America and our twisted values system.

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