
Why is s*x good? ?

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you hear all the bad things about it, what you can get from it, so what are the positives that rarely get talked about by parents !




  1. it proves the existance of god so we should all be out there going at it like jack rabbits on viagra burning rubber to prevent over populating the earth any more

  2. I am 62 years old. my views are as below:-

    1) s*x brings two persons more closer which no other action can do.

    2) s*x relieves all tension in your body as well as your mind.

    3) s*x refreshes you fully to start your work with full vigour.

  3. k!! god made it really good and made it a sin to test us!! to see if we will make something that is good still is forbidden!! i hope i made my opinion clear!!

  4. well for once if you do it with someone who loves you it brings you closer, but there must be lots of love...and its as closest to heaven you'll ever feel (without drugs) it makes the brain realease chemicals  thta give you a sense of well being and peace, and attachement so you'll want more of that person.

    Are you pre teen?

  5. hi

    who told s*x is good. it's only fun and enjoyable

  6. coz its a relaxing game for adults/bonding experiece

  7. lol! I guess that it feels good? And it's a lot of haha! Other than that I'm not quite sure.. There are a lot of diseases spreading from s*x these days.....

  8. have you not had an o****m?

  9. s*x is the best when you have it with someone that you love and trust. Its really fun when you can tell each other your fantasies and act them out.

  10. s*x is not as great for girls as it is for guys when you are young. For one thing, most guys don't know what they are doing when they are young. Plus, s*x is way better when you are in love and he knows what the heck he is doing.  

  11. Kids.  If you and your partner are trying for one, finally having a baby can be a good thing...  Have a baby to raise, teach, nurture...  All that stuff.

  12. You would have to have some good s*x to understand the answer to that question.

    edit:  Sorry to those who don't like my answer, but the truth is, if you never have *good* s*x, you would never know why s*x is good.

  13. First, you should NEVER have s*x if you're not 100% sure you're ready.  If you have any doubt, don't have s*x.

    That said, there are lots of good things about s*x.  Obviously, it feels good.  It strengthens your relationship with your partner (as long as it's a relationship built on love and trust... never have s*x with someone just to make them love you, they will not respect you if you do that).  It's embarrassing to be a virgin in your mid-20s, so once you've lost your virginity you don't have to worry about that (be sure you're ready first though!).  

  14. s*x is world's best activity that a man and women can do.

    no matter you love each other or not.if u stand without any cloth in front of any person u want to do s*x with that person will start doing s*x with u. in s*x u smooch each other kiss each other u both will touch each others body tightly. thats a good feeling.  

  15. It continues the species.  Beyond that I don't know.  In the handful of tries I've had, I've never found it that great.  

  16. it releases frustration

  17. Because it brings you and your guy together in a beautiful way

    Because you can always find some new aspect to it

    Most of all because after you have made love and you look at your guy you know it was just a preparation for the next time which could be even better.
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