
Why is s*x termed as dirty and naughty sometimes when we know we all had to and will have to do it at any day?

by  |  earlier

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It's really a hypocrite to ourselves or to our mankind,isn't it??




  1. idk...but i do know i like it!!!! lol <3

  2. Yea, I agree

    I for instance do see it as a dirty topic

    I believe it depends on how the person was reared to think of it

    If they were told and disciplined about s*x and thought not to do it

    Then they will get this perception that s*x is a bad thing

    But if there not raised with the education about s*x

    They will eventually end up having s*x excessively

    and end most likely end up a teen mother or a teen father

  3. cause society has made it a "naughty" thing

    if we grew up in society thinking that it was okay

    then it's okay, but that's not how it is.

    it is a  normal thing that like you said all or most people do in our lives.

    there's a lot of things that isn't bad yet society thinks is bad, maybe if everyone started changing their views (after all it's 2008 already, it's time for a change)

  4. Naughty depicts a behavior and i'm no behavior expert,

    nor would i use a moral term to base my opinon on it.

    That is unless it was unconsensual, be that as it may,

    to answer your question, with all due respect, to hear

    most women tell it, the term necessary evil woudn't

    be far of the mark as an applicatable discription. And

    also with all due respect to men, to hear them tell it,

    s*x is something you do to fill a need, yet sometimes

    it would seem, there almost in shock when they find

    out an actual baby comes from it, as is so prevalent

    with all the single moms where guys just got in and out

    and on to the next, i mean if the word s*x and commitment

    were a bell, somehow i get the feeling that to most men, s*x

    would be a steeple bell in the towers of saint johns cathedral,

    and the word commitment would be a cell phone muffled

    under a pillow, and by the same token just the opposite would

    occur with women . . ..

    Put in comedic way as one comedian did, when

    describing the comparison between men and women

    when it comes to s*x is, men are micro waves, and

    women are crock pots . . .

    " Why is s*x termed as dirty and naughty "  

    " It's really a hypocrite to ourselves "  . . .

    simply put, at best, to most men it's would seem

    liggitimate to catogorize it as an entittlement, where

    to a women, at best it's what it is, a function to bring

    life into the world and sadly and i could be wrong, but

    sometimes it's almost as if they resent the fact that

    there the ones for what ever reason, were given that

    capacity instead of men.

    Quite honestly and speaking for my self, i'd say more

    then bad, s*x is more dangerous, being enjoyable is

    one thing, but being used as a controling factor, is more

    than naughty, it's just down right despicable, and who ever

    approches it in that fashion, be it female as well as male,

    i would say what ever consequences ensue from it, good

    or bad,  i think it would make more sense to pin the term

    naughty,  on humans, rather than on s*x . . .


  5. Cause it is when you are not married

  6. s*x, by itself, is not dirty or naughty, it's just any normal function of our bodies and a sublime way to express love.  The *approach* that some twisted minded people use to perform s*x is what is dirty and/or naughty.

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