
Why is s*x while the wife is menstruating not allowed in Islam?

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I heard it was very bad.




  1. as sister hanabee said, it is Allah's LAW.

  2. It is disgusting!

  3. Yeah, its gross plus what RAW said

  4. Because it is insane.  

  5. That would be gross. And it wouldn't be good for either his or her health.  

  6. Because its f**k'n disgusting ?

  7. Ew i cant think of anything worse! I dont think people would do it even if it wasnt haram!  

  8. have better things to discuss.

  9. U think it'll be fun????????????? Gosh that is such a pain it self & then ........ yuk, sick, how can sane people think of .... in this situation.  

    Allah made laws which is best for us.

  10. Why would a woman want to have s*x on her period?  It's disgusting, and can cause the woman to get infections and/or diseases. It's very unhealthy.  I can't imagine why any good Muslmah or Muslim would want to have s*x on a woman's period.  That goes against the laws of ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala).  Anyway, I hear some people say "Having s*x on your period gets rid of cramps".  Where is your proof of this?  Having cramps is a natural occurance during a woman's cycle and she shouldn't do anything to prevent this, unless of course the cramps are extremely painful that they make her an invalid during her monthly courses.  A woman has a higher chance of getting an sexually transmitted disease if she has s*x on her period, which would then spread to the husband.  So she would be responsible for giving her husband some bad disease if he had s*x with her, unknowingly.  Also it's a sin and it's the woman's fault if she doesn't inform her husband of her period when he wants to approach her.

  11. Common sense, its Disgusting, plus infections etc etc, Read Raw's ans :D

    Thumbs up Raw!

  12. Well its haram, because the woman is in a delicate state.. and if you have s*x with your wife while she is menstruating.. its dangerous, because she can have an overflow of blood which can even lead to death or severe injury.. this is why you are not allowed to have s*x when the woman is in this state, plus it really hurts the woman and  can also cause vaginal infections.. so the man can have contact with his wife, but he may not have intercourse with her, until she purifies herslef and makes ghusl(takes a bath) at the end of her mesntrual period insha'Allah.. a salam alykum wa rahmatullah.

  13. Well I mean, that's pretty gross lol. Would you stick any body part of yours into a woman's bloody v****a?

    Scientifically, a woman can have s*x during her period and be fine. It may be a little painful however since the cervix may be tender. The blood that is lost in the period is just blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus, no toxins or anything else is lost. Toxins get stored and flitered through your liver and kidneys, not through your period.

    The risk of infections are only plausible if the woman has an STD, she can transmit this to her partner, as well as HIV. Herpes may also flare up during a woman's period. The chances of a man passing one of the above are also increased because the cervix is open and allows blood and bacteria to pass--but that is only if her partner is infected with any sort of disease or bacterial infection (including UTI/yeast infection--which you shouldn't have s*x with anyway.) Some scientists also think that having s*x during your period may increase the woman's chances of developing pelvic inflammatory disease, yet this is not known for certain.

    s*x during your period is said to decrease symptoms of PMS, because an o****m will release endorphins or 'feel good' hormones that relieve pain and boost your mood.

    However is s*x is only between a married couple, chances are neither the man nor woman has STDs, HIV, or herpes.

    Anyway, Islamically couples should not have s*x when a woman is on her period because she is considered 'unclean' and it may be 'painful' for her (sensitive cervix).

    To the above poster, I don't think having s*x while on your period could cause a serious overflow enough to cause injury or death.  A woman only loses a few tablespoons of blood during her period, and less than a pint--not enough to cause death or a serious injury. Also, having s*x will not make your body bleed more, your flow is determined by your body.

    Vaginal infections may only occur if the man ejaculates inside of the woman and she does not take a shower right away. The v****a is already wet and moist, add s***n to that (depending on if she is sensitive to foreign fluids in her body), condom lubrication, or any other type of lubrication, and it may be a good breeding ground for yeast.

    Other than that, there is no 'serious' danger to having s*x while menstruating.

    Either way, I wouldn't wanna do it!

    LOL, Wolf, she can only transmit an STD if she HAS an std. If either the man or woman has an std, the chances of either party contracting it is only higher because she has her period. If neither one of them have one, then no STD will be transmitted. If the couple is in a monogamous relationship, chances are neither person has an std to begin with, so whether she is on her period or not and they have unprotected s*x, no STD will just randomly show up.  And the 'proof' that s*x can relieve cramps is that when you o****m, your body releases endorphins, which ease pain. What do you think your body releases when you do heavy exercise? ENDORPHINS! It' endorphins and adrenaline that allow your body to keep working under physical stress--the 'rush' you get when you push yourself physically. An o****m releases those same hormones, thus easing cramps and putting the woman in a far better mood.

  14. I agree with what Muslimah13 says, the goreh will tell you it's good 'cos it's supposed to help with the girl's period pains... YUK.

  15. To Protect women from infections and disease:

    Baqarah {2:222}

    "And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves."

    Allah tells us not to have intercourse with women during their menstruation because it causes infection and will hurt them.

    And +, there's like 350 other days of the year a couple can have s*x. s*x everyday is bad for your body. Not to mention having kids turn into s*x addicts.

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