
Why is s*x with the other woman so much more pleasing?

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Is there an adrenalin shot or something I can take? I want whatever it is that makes s*x with my mistress so great compared with my boring, fat wife, moo moo lovins'.




  1. cause you bore the h**l out of her  . she told me you re not worth squat  

  2. Frank, you are great:)

  3. I don't think it is fair to label you as a jerk, selfish etc. without first knowing what your wife is like. Basically I agree that if you don't like your wife, you should get divorced instead of cheating on her. But there could be legitimate reasons why a divorce may not be feasible for various reasons. So anyway, moving off the pulpit...

    The "Other woman" = "Not your wife". So there could certainly be the "different" factor. It could also be the feeling of cheating and not getting caught that excites you. Given your wife is fat and boring, it would just be the physical and/or mental attractiveness of your mistress. The mistress may just be way better at s*x, younger, different race... lots of reasons.

    Longer-term, this can't last - you'll get old/fat/ugly/sick, mistresses may not be attracted to you any more, your wife may find out, you may catch something scary... So you need to think through your options now.

    I think everybody has the fundamental right to want s*x - so enjoy now but look beyond it too.

  4. Because you are a cad that only cares for your own pleasure.

  5. wow you really suck

  6. Wow.  Maybe you are bored with her?  Not in love anymore?  You should really look into that.  You need to have enough respect for your wife to tell her what you are doing and felling.


  7. Because you KNOW your wife knows your faults.  The GF doesn't... yet.

    Your wife has seen the mask fall away and the petty jerk hiding underneath it.  You play the game of Good Behavior with the GF.

    Your wife accepts you - warts, faults and all.  The GF always sees your Best Side - for now...

    You, your wife and your GF will tire of this game... eventually...

    Then, the wife will divorced you, the kids will hate you, your relatives will avoid and chastise you... and you'll send a lot of nights spent alone - just you, yourself and your ego.  All for a thrill, all for naught.

  8. Close your eyes, turn off the lights, plug your nose...whatever it takes, and imagine your mistress lying there instead of your wife.

  9. SHUT UP!

  10. ur a jerk!!!

  11. Your such a jackass. Go **** yourself you pig. I cant believe you would do that to your wife.

  12. Oh my lord. You need to 'pretend' that you're dating your wife for the first time again and go to a s*x shop to get some toys and lingerie for the wife, then go home and have passionate s*x.

  13. Simple really,

    You seem to be a straight up kind of guy.

    I'm sure it is more rewarding for you to go to bed with only one woman.

    I'm sure with mml it seems like you are with two on a soft water bed.

    I know you would not go for that decadence.

  14. why would you post something like this. ur an a$$ hole. any way i hope ur wife gets it and leaves u for ever. she desirves better then u.

  15. Yes arsenic.  Maybe your wife will see this a get you a shot. Your a pig!!.

  16. Wow your scummy, hopefully your wife finds that out and leaves you.

  17. Because it is only in your mind. That same fat, boring wife gives good s*x when she goes out and cheats on you.

  18. Don't you have anything better to do???

  19. I almost thought this was a serious question. That moo moo lovins sure does get around here. As for the other woman being more pleasing - your most important s*x organ is actually your brain - so if you think the other woman is better, maybe it's all in your head. Once the novelty wears off, they're actually all the same anyways!

  20. that is sick why get married if you going to do that?  

  21. I just...fell out of my chair...

    Because it dawned on me that Moo Moo Lovins ....has a lot of MEN!

  22. because sometimes being really bad feels really really REALLY good!

  23. Fantasy, no responsibility, no attachments.  Just get a divorce if your that unhappy and having s*x outside the marriage.  You do not need to be married at all. You are selfish and do not deserve a good woman.

  24. I hope you're not really married, if so I feel so sorry for your wife. You're a disgusting pig. I bet you are the fat, boring one!  

  25. You answered your own question.

    s*x with the other woman is more pleasing because she is not fat or boring, and you get an adrenalin rush from doing something that's taboo.

    Tell your wife s*x is boring without hurting her. Maybe she will try to step it up a notch. Suggest that the two of you diet and exercise together. Have her watch p**n that you find s**y so she gets ideas.

    The number one thing you have to do to make s*x with your wife better is end it with your mistress. If you're always thinking about how great s*x is with her, your poor wife can't compare. If you don't want to end it with your mistress, then you have to end it with your wife. Having both is immoral and can lead to a loooot of problems.

  26. IT'S NEW, that is what makes it so exciting. You are happy to see her and can't wait to miss her.

    You have to ask yourself; Is this all I want from this women?  At some point the other women wants you to commit.  Can you?   If you say you can't  then take that adrenalin shot and go back to your boring, fat wife and enjoy her.    

  27. Frank--Moo Moo Lovins was just asking why s*x with her chubby chasing man is more pleasing than with you!?!??!

    Its all about the chase and excitement, but deep down we just want to be settled down so you are still at square one!!!  


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