
Why is shavin my taint so goddamn itchy?

by  |  earlier

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Yeh - I put it in this category cuz that's wut Yahoo came up with.




  1. Uh, what is your taint ? Is that your chin ? I bet it is in your case..

  2. I'm not sure that this is in the correct section, but i will answer anyway.  Find yourself a good esthetician in your area and get a brazilian wax.  It hurts a little but it is well worth the results...and best of all no itching!

  3. the shaving is? cause its usally when it grows back is when it itches. at least for me.

  4. this is the Snooker & Pool section, as in pocket billiards, as in balls, cue stick, table, etc.

    figure it out

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