
Why is she doing that?

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my hubby's sister is in the same age of mine and imitates the way i wear, behave and talk to the extent that she dyed her hair once i dyed mine,how can i kindly stop her cos yes im bothered.




  1. Maybe her mom always made the choices for her in everything and she doesn't know how to independently think or do for herself.  This is an opportunity for you to teach her how she can be an independent person on her own.  She obviously can't make decisions on her own and needs someone to copy because she can't do it for herself.  

    I have met several people in my life whom I could claim were a Xerox machine when it came to social stuff.  For that matter, that is how half of the people in the US really are when it comes to fashion choices, make-up, etc.  The ads in newspapers, on radio and TV constantly are telling us we have to wear this hair color, this deodorant, use this weight loss system, look like this in a swim suit, etc.   Why do you think most of the stores have the same clothes, shoes, etc. for sale?  They feed us the ideas that we have to wear whatever Hollywood or the fashion designers say is cool, hip, etc. instead of the idea of either wearing something different that we actually like or making clothes for yourself that are cheaper than off the rack.

    I suggest that you take some time to calmly set her down and explain that she can be her own person and doesn't have to do exactly as everyone else does (especially you).  Show her how to color coordinate, mix and match clothes, etc.  Be patient.  It may take more than one time for you to help her open her mind to be free and think of her own desires.

  2. imitation is the highest form of flattery

    but as a man I can't understand how some women can feel as you do and worry about the small stuff

  3. well just dont give attention to what she is doing its her right to dress or do whatever style she wants .

    she may like u and follow ur steps no problem in that u should be proud of urself u r pretty and others like u
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