
Why is she emailing now? I'm so mad!?

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So my husband had an affair six months ago and the other woman emailed him today. It wasn't a personal email but the recipients were sent via bcc (blind copy). This leads me to believe that she probably just wanted to send it to him but didn't want him to know this. Anyway, after a lot of thought, I decided to email her and let her know that I did not appreciate her contacting him. I'm not sure what her motives are but it's obvious that she's trying to get back into his life. He made it clear when he broke things off that he didn't want anything to do with her.

I'm just glad that my husband told me about her email. He's really working hard to regain my trust and rebuild our marriage. We've been doing extremely well and overall I'm thankful and happy about our progress. When he told me about the email he also told me that he reported this to his IT department and asked them to block her email address. He doesn't want to hear from her and is ashamed of the whole situation.

Why would she email now? Why do you think she's reaching out now after six months of no contact?




  1. Some women just don't give up until they get what they want. In her mind she might feel like there is a way for her to slip through the cracks.

  2. Perhaps the woman needs some closure to the relationship. Not saying that it is right, but if he broke it off then she may be having trouble letting go. I wouldn't worry about it. She may have gotten a computer virus that sent an email to everyone in her address book. But that is neither here nor there. Your husband should have been the one to send her an email (totally unemotional) that due to the circumstances, she should remove him from her address book.

  3. Just to cause problems. Just jealous cause of yall progress. Lot of women are haters and hate to see others happy. Don't let her destroy your marriage. Keep doing what you doing and working it out. Congrats on ya progress.

  4. She might be thinking after all this time he could be missing her and it would be easy to talk him into meeting up with her somewhere just to talk at least that would be her excuse for texting him that's my guess any ways. Aren't you torn up inside over his affair i know i was for years after my husbands affair. My husband like yours did everything possible to make up for his infidelity and that's the only thing that kept me from going over the edge. I was a basket case when i found out but you sound like your at peace with it,if you are then good for you. Most women on here have a one track mind about husbands who cheat which is once a cheater always a cheater,i don't believe that i can't believe that because how could i go on thinking my husband will cheat again. They put women like you and me down they think we are nothing but doormats for our husbands to walk all over. They say ( I would never stay with my husband if he cheated on me he would be out the door so fast) I think they are the ones who lose out in the end because they gave up on a good man who has made a horrible mistake and who wasn't given the chance to show just how sorry he is. They are the ones who turn out to be the jealous EX wife who tries everything in their power to destroy their EX husbands marriage because they see what a good man he really is and they made a mistake for given up on him and letting their proud get in the way. Good luck on your marriage .

  5. Good for your husband, he sounds like a good man. Sound like a protection order to me. Save your marriage!

  6. Maybe he was part of a list of email addresses that she sends jokes and things to.  If it wasn't a personal email, then I wouldn't get to worked up about it.  Plus he told you about it and is having her address blocked so it's not like you have to worry about him.  

    I don't know if it was a smart move to send her an email though.  If she was trying to get back with him, she knows that she "got under your skin".  That's one ploy that mistresses have, to drive the wife crazy enough that she ends things with their husband.  

  7. If you can get beyond something like this that is great you have a strong marriage.  However I would never trust that after what he did...

  8. She just hasn't been able to get him out of her head is all.  I am in no way saying the "other woman" is right, only that she is a person and was probably in love with your husband and believed that they might have a future together.  She is just hurting and trying any way that she can to get over her pain by, well, causing you pain.  She is just an idiot and you have the man who sounds like he messed up but he's trying.  Concentrate on your marriage and be glad your hubby owned up to it and is talking with his IT department. :)

  9. 6 months of no contact & she emails out the blue.  You are reallying believing the no contact part, hun? Maybe she was just saying hi...or....maybe he contacted her & she is just responding back.  All he has to do is not respond - what's the big deal??  You emailing her as if her loyalties are to you - you have no idea what he is saying/or has said to her - his loyalties are to you.   You should slow your roll.  He's your man right - let him step up - be a man and clean up his mess!  I see why he had the affair 6 months ago.

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