
Why is she like this.......

by Guest44974  |  earlier

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my mom won't let me go to my friend's house just cuz he's 20 and in college....I'm 15 I'm not a baby he's a nice guy what's the big deal?? she let us go to the mall and the movies and out to dinner once reluctantly but now she says I can't ever talk to him again why not???

And she got all pissed cuz he sent me a letter tellinng me that he loves and cares for me. and wants to make me feel good ..she shouldn't have read it....I admittedf to her that we did kiss and hug alot....and she was like " watch and see what will happen to him if he comes near you again" idk what she would do....

she even let him pick me up from school so why doesn't she trust me to go to his house

he's one of my only true friends ppl at school don't like me and he makes me feel better when he holds me and talks to me he's really sweet she never understands anything

btw I asked this b4 but didn't get much help... It didn't seem like anyone understood




  1. If you're alone alone with a guy like all alone alot more can and may happen your moms just worried. mine wont even let me date guys my age.


  2. you answered your question in the first paragraph

  3. In my opinion (14 year old) I don't really think you should hangout with people so much older than you. You should try to get more friends your age and get lots of trust from your Mom then show her it's okay to be freinds with that guy. Trust me she will lighten up. She only wants to protect you.

  4. my mom did this with me and my boyfriend and we are the same age...

    She is overprotective, and probably still see's you as seven, not fifteen. Also, going to a guy that old's house is making yourself vulnerable to alot of rather unfortuate circumstances....I know your probably thinking "well he would never do anything bad to me"...newflash sweetheart, a 20 year old most likely doesnt have good intentions with a 15 year old...I know its not what you want to hear at all, but its most likely the truth

    She just doesnt want anything to happen to you, she doesnt want him to harm you in any way, i know you will hate her for it now...but in the future you will realize that she was only looking out for you.

    I;m not trying to be mean or anything, just honest...Hope it all works out for you

  5. At both stages in your lives age wise, he knows way too much for you.

    Stick to someone 17 or under.  

  6. She does not want you to have s*x and the complications that come with it.  You sound pretty naive, even for a 15 year old.

    Most men that age want to have sexual relationship,  you are too young.  Even If he didnt want a sexual relationship the age gap is too significant.  if I was your mother I would not want you around this guy.

    Concentrate on your school work and friends who are your own age.

  7. Parents are protective over their daughters? :/

  8. Your mom just doesn't want to be a grandmother.

  9. maybe because its kind of illegal. you have to be 18. so that could be why your mom is being like that.

    but i know where your coming from sometimes moms seem like they don't let you do anything and you just like, want them to understand and let you go.

    that's a tough situation...

    maybe you could make a deal with her somehow?

    or something....

  10. You're mom is just trying to watch out for you...I know my mom used to do the same thing when I was your age but honestly as dumb as you think she might be listen to her it will work itself out in the long run...and no offense to either you or him but there is no reason a 20 year old should be interested in a 15 year old

  11. your mom is totally right.

    all guys want at that age is s*x!

    and everything he says is lies and he'll say anything to have s*x with you.

    you should listen to your mom bc she probably knows what she's talking about from experience.

    you're still young and pure, stay like that!

  12. okay... if he's "in love with you" and over the age of 19, and you're under the age of 18, he's considered a PEDOPHILE! Yes, that's bad. You're mom is doing a good thing, she doesn't want to see you get hurt. Give your mom a break.  

  13. Your mother is worried because an adult male has shown inappropriate interest in her daughter.  She assumes this man wants to sleep with you, and as you are a child, this concerns her. You may not be a baby, but in the eyes of the law you can not consent to s*x with this man.

    Your mother is looking out for your best interests. If you are sleeping with this guy, I hope she locks him up and throws away the key.

  14. You are 15...He is 20? You are a teenager,  he is an adult..Dont you think you are a bit too young? ._. She is like that because she cares.

  15. If you seriously don't know why, then THAT is precisely why.

  16. slap ur mama

  17. There are some types of people who like to get friendly with young teens so they can use them.

    Your friend may not be like that, but your mother has to take precautions.

    She is responsible for ensuring you make it to adult age without too much damage.

    If your friend really IS a good friend to you, he will understand this situation, and not try to stir you up against your mother's care of you.

    If you really want to see this man, as a friend, speak to your mum and ask her permission for him to visit you at YOUR home while she is there.

    Let her get to know him and realise what a nice guy he is, and make up her own mind from there.

    Then let him know you cannot go on as you have been, but he is welcome to your home, while your mother is there.

    If he visits and continues the friendship, your mum will have an indication that he is not just out to use you, and this may change her attitude.

    If he tries to turn you against your family, rest assured, he does not have your wellbeing at heart.

    Best wishes :-)

  18. i totally understand where she is coming from. you are only 15, where he is 20....YOUR A MINOR!!! you need to consider that too, if your mom gets too pissed she can call the cops on him. plus she may think that hes only saying that to get "some" im sorry if this seems harsh, but you have to remember that you are only 15 and he is 20, its not only illegal but you need to pay more attention to school right now anyway (even if it is summer)

  19. My name is EMMA!!! You should listen to your mom. Why don't you ask her this yourself? Maybe she knows something you don't. Just  talk to her :)  

  20. Because you are 15 and he is 20. I am not your mother but I don't want you to do that either. I am on your mothers side. He may be a nice guy but it is not legal.

  21. Your mother is right; a father would explain to the young man what would happen to him if he doesn't do a disappearing act before he commits a crime and you become a mother without a husband.    

  22. Sounds like she is worried that he will try to take advantage of you (i.e try to have sexual intercourse, or force it).

    I am not saying he will of course, sounds like a nice guy. Just that parents always have these worries (especially over daughters), I know that if i had a daughter I would be worried about it too.

  23. your moms prob worried you had s*x with him at a young age..

    have you?

  24. Most likely it's because in most US states (assuming you live in the US), 15 is below the age of legal sexual consent and your mom is worried that there may be untoward consequences in your dealings with an adult.  I'm not sure that this is the answer you wish to hear, but it's the best I can do.

  25. Well dont hate your mom but I think she is being protective. Maybe she thinks your too young. Or maybe you need show that she can trust you.

    P.S. I hate it when people give weird and wrong answers that dont help.

  26. It's not that your mom doesn't trust you necessarily but also she probably doesn't trust the guy. While I know that you feel you know what you're doing and getting yourself into, you also gotta think of it from your mom's side of view. How would you feel if your 15 yr old daughter was seeing a 20yr old guy in college?

    Yeah you may know the guy and he may be great and all, but there is an age difference there. While it's fine to be friends and stuff, going to visit him is a completely different story. At least out to dinner and the movies your in a public place.

    Your mom is just concerned for your well being and safety. If he truly is a genuine guy with your best interests in mind, the most I say you can do is talk to your mom and have him get to know her.

  27. I guess your mom is just concerned about you two having s*x and stuff. You said that you guys are more than just friends, right? And you are a minor and he's not. Your mom is just reluctant simply because she doesn't want you doing anything you'll regret. She has a right to be worried.

  28. he doesnt trust him. cus hes in college and hes a guy and youre ONLY 15.

  29. shes let him pick u up and everything bcuz she thought he was a good person. After she found that letter then *shrugs* its over. She probably got the wrong idea that he wants to sleep with u or something. Either way she wants u to be safe, and now to her hes a threat to u. All parents are over protective...well some parent but she just thinks he will u know. so yea

  30. the fact there's the 5 year age gap.

    what happened was she didn't think you guys were serious before, but since she's seen the letter she assumes you'll be having s*x at his house.

  31. Your mother obviously understands things that you don't...  

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