
Why is she mad at me?i dont get it?

by  |  earlier

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so yesterday,i put a Q on here about how to tell my mom somthing,and 1 of my friends/contacts saw it,and said she was going to tell my sister,but i didnt want her to (she didnt tell her tho ^.^ )

and so,i really didnt expect her to be angry at me...its not like im pregnant or doing drugs or drinking or anything like tht,but i told 1 of my guy friends,and instead of being angry at me,he was tryna help me feel better.

i really dont understand why she would be angry at me,and i really dont want her to be mad at me =/

what can i do to make her un-mad (is tht a word? at me




  1. It might help if you tell us what the question was.  It might have made her mad that you wouldn't come to her about it instead of posting it on the internet.  But if she saw that, she probably is reading this, and maybe that will make her feel a little better.  Yeah I can't really help you, I don't know what the situation is.  

  2. well if she read the other one i'm sure she will read this one too so its up to her if she wants to get over it and be mature.  

  3. I dont get your question??

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