
Why is she so mad at me for SUCH a stupid reason?

by  |  earlier

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I was friends with a girl (I'll call L) and she's so mad at me for such a stupid reason. First off, last week we had to do a P.E. project and she was making fun of one of our team members when she was out. She was saying, "We're going to fail! She's so fat she can't do any of this." and saying a lot of negative things, and I was annoyed at her so I told her, "Stop talking about her! So what is she's bigger, but she can at least try! If your only going to say negative things about her, then just don't say anything."

Then she was p!ssed off at me.

Then this week, me and my friends where doing this silly tradition where we act random (National Random Week) for a week, and so L sat down with me at lunch. I asked one of my friends, "What're you doing for National Random week?" and she just yelled at me, "THAT IS SO STUPID! NOBODY DOES THAT RANDOM c**p BUT YOU!" (which isn't true) then my friend was like, "Oh my gosh, L, that was mean...actually really mean."

And also in Social Studies, I was wearing a cute tie for NRW (my friend B told me it looked cute, and I should wear it) well, L looked at me she mouthed, "What's up with the tie?" and I said, "NRW". So she looked over a B, and pointed at me (secretly, but i saw it) and she was moving her hands around making it look like she was forming a tie, and started laughing. Then in the hallway, she screamed "WHAT'S WITH THE TIE?" and I said, "Oh, B told me to wear it for NRW." and she tolled her eyes and gave the STUPID "wtf?" face.

Then at P.E (again) we were doing a jump rope contest to see how long you can jump rope, and if you s***w up, you have to sit down. So I was jumping, then my foot got tangled in the rope, and right when it happen she yelled, "s***w UP MALLORY!" and I was like, "What the c**p?" and she started laughing when I sat down. I said, "Look L! Are you mad just because I told you to stop making fun of her?!" And she gave me that "WTF?" look. She said, "No, I hate you because you celebrate National Random Week! I stopped doing that when I was 2!" (First off, she never even knew what NRW was. Me and my friends started that THIS year, and if she was 2, how would she even know what celebrating was?)

Then she started calling me immature and c**p, so I said, "I'd rather CELEBRATE something immature, than ACT immature."

And so, yeah. How do I put up with this βυllsh!t??

I know, before I get 5-500 comments saying, "SHE'S IMMATURE, AND SO ARE YOU", I just wanted to say, I know this is stupid, but I can't handel this bull, because she's so f-ing ANNOYING!




  1. She's not worth it!  Give her the silent treatment, and if she doesn't apologize, then tell her all about how NRW was invented this year.  It might make her feel stupid enough to apologize.  If not, she's really not that great of a friend anyway.  

  2. just dont talk 2 her ... shes overeacting and being a ***** about it -.- ignor her and see what happenss :D

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