
Why is she so was just a joke?

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So last night I was watching some college football on tv. My old lady, out of the blue, drops down and starts giving me some great oral. I thought it'd be funny to put my beer on top of her head. She didn't find it at all funny and then refused to finish the job. Come on, how could anyone not see the humor in that?




  1. It's rude, demeaning and chauvinistic.  You treated her like an object when she was trying to show you her appreciation and affection.  It's not funny at all.  Be glad she didn't bite down instead.

  2. I would be mad as h**l, how rude and inconsiderate...its already a terrible job to have to put your lips around something so gross..and then to humiliate her more by doing that...I hope she poured the beer over  your head  (both of them!!)..creep.

  3. That actually is funny.

  4. I would have laughed it off...maybe would have even taken the glass out of my husband's hand and dipped Willie in!  But maybe your wife is not so humor-endowed as I am.  

    Well, you learned a valuable lesson...don't f*ck around when you're getting some.

  5. She wanted your undivided attention and felt rejected by her advances.  As a trained male remember that you must master walking on egg shells and reading minds to be successful.  It was very funny though:)!  The next time she hops in the shower put her towel in the dryer and wrap her up in that towel.  Tell her that the warmth of the towel is how you feel when she walks in a room.  Put your face between her legs to return the favor.  Have her favorite drink at the location and put it on your head:)!  She should get it!

  6. Okay.  If my husband ever did that to me, I probably wouldn't be able to finish because I'd be laughing so hard.

    At least not right away.  Once I was done my giggle fit I'd be able to compose myself and get the job done. ;)

  7. she needs to run a few miles then not shower for a few days then make you go down on her...i think that would be good pay should of just been grateful she was doing it....jerk.

  8. i dont blame her, you probably made her feel cheap and she may of felt that you didnt appreciate the fact that she wanted to make you feel good or she might of thought you werent enjoying it and was getting just getting in the way of the match. dont make fun of your wife in those situations it just doesnt make women feel good

  9. loool that is actually funny!

    She probably got angry because she was trying to please you but you didn't take it seriously.

  10. funny

  11. OMG LMAO

  12. Oh my god I will get drummed out of the sisterhood - I laughed!

    How could I laugh at that for gods sake?

    Youre a pig, it wasnt funny - so why am I still laughing?

    I think if it were me you might have ended up wearing the beer actually!!

  13. Yeah right.

  14. u need to take some lessons in how to be funny, cause right now, ur NOT

  15. She was being nice to you, and she gets that in return? I think she could have taken it as making fun of her, and as someone already said, she must have felt cheap for what you did. In intimate moments is when being funny has to be careful, or you need to understand she won't laugh at anything that makes you laugh.  

  16. lol, my husband tries that c**p all the time. mostly makes me mad but i don't hold it against him cause it is really funny. he would pull out the package and say

  17. You lost me when you said "old lady".  Who calls their wife that?  Very wierd.  Are you really that bored?  

  18. First, probably calling her old lady, not a good idea.  Now while I, being a guy, am laughing, I can see why she may be upset.  Then again, she was interrupting football, so you can come back at her with that.

  19. I think you know the answer to this.  Most of us know what will tick off our spouse.

  20. dude   that was too funny.   did the beer fall off?  and were you able to save it?

  21. You must have forgotten to use a coaster.

  22. i think its funny as h**l

  23. I do not think it was funny.  She was trying to intimate and you told her that you did not appreciate it.  There is a time to be funny and a time to intimate.  You picked the wrong time to be funny.

  24. First, I don't know why it is such a big deal to everyone that you call her your "old lady" that is a very common term and even though I am only 24 that is what my husband calls me, second, she was probably mad because she was trying to be spur of the moment, do something for you that would catch you off guard.  Maybe she was trying to get some appreciation or affection from you and instead she felt you insulted her by making her feel like an joke, taking the intimacy out of the situation.  You should know how your ol' lady would take something like that, especially since she did you the favor of "out of the blue" getting down and dirty for you.  Tell her you are sorry for the way you acted, she obviously didn't find it funny, even if you did, and if you ever want another ******** again you better make it right with her.

  25. Try to see it from her point of view.  If you were doing her..and she put her drink on your head.

  26. At least you didn't order a pizza with your free hand!

    Actually, it IS quite funny.

  27. too funny!

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