
Why is so important to recognize Spanish Language as the Second most spoken in USA ?

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also, most of the new wave of immigrants come from Spanish speaking countries.

We are not an anglo-monolingual country!

We need Reforms and Changes in our policies with OBAMA!

si se puede! Viva La raza!




  1. Viva this.

  2. I think spanish needs to be recognized as the second most spoken language in the USA. Because guess what people? IT IS, and those who chose to not recognize that are ignorant. We're not asking everyone to speak it but at least recognize it.

  3. Define "Recognize", you mean as an "Official Language"?

    1) There is not official Federal USA Language, not even English, that was a decision left to the States, and most of them have English as their official language.

    2) With so many people coming from different countries, the best way to unify and have understanding between each other is by requiring everyone to Learn English.

    3) There are more career opportunities for bilingual persons than for someone who only speaks one language. Career wise, Spanish is a very good choice as a "Second Language".

    4) I am sad for the German woman (answer above) who denied their children the opportunity to be bilingual. That was a problem too in the 70s and 80s within the Hispanic Community, in their fear to be discriminated, they did not teach Spanish to their kids. A kid who learns English and their "Mother Tongue" since they are toddlers will speak fluently both languages.

    5) Almost all second generation Hispanics speak English, and Spanish is almost lost in the third generation (sad, but true).

    6) Please don't help Obama loose.

  4. when my grandmother moved here from germany she learned english, why because she wanted to part of what she saw as a wonderful country, she didn't even teach her children german because they were americans. if you want to live in america learn english, if you want to live in mexico learn spanish simple as that.

  5. No, we don't. It should be free choice. The US is a big country and different foreign languages predominate in different regions. The US desperately needs an official language because of this. A language that all legal documents are written in and is used in all courts and government offices. Since Anglos started this country, it should be in English. More so, since I don't see any other name on the Constitution

  6. aight hold on! aye fuqk im all for the immigration! let us mexicans stay! but obama! yer fuqkin crazy the ****** is gonna kill us all! hes probably talkin to iraq as we speak to figure out a plan to bomb us!

  7. Because this is America.  Not the spanish speaking countries where these immigrants are coming from.  It's common sense and common courtesy to learn the language spoken in the country you're moving to, not expect the people there to change to suit your needs.  If I moved to Mexico or Venezuela I wouldn't be arrogant enough to expect them to change their customs to make things simpler for me.  The sense of entitlement some people have is just unbelievable.

  8. Speak all the Spanish you want, just don't speak that c**p to me.

    I live in the U.S. where hard working educated respectful people speak English, and those are the only types of people I deal with.  If someone is too lazy to respect the nation and learn the de facto national language, I wont' give them the time of day.

    Viva La Migra.

    Down with racist La Raza.

  9. Its NOT important.  They should be learning English and then they'll be able to read the signs that say GO HOME.

  10. It's not and we have a new wave of illegal invaders!!!!!! Obama is and would be the worst person for this country in any aspect!!!! He is a racist as I see you are by the viva la raza remark!!! That's okay we will have the last laugh when there is a mass deportation!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

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