
Why is so much emphasis being put on Olympic swimming and no other sports?

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On T.V. all i've been seeing is the swimming events and nothing else and I find it really irritating because it would be nice to see other sports.




  1. i actually like watching swimming, but that and beach volleyball have been getting on my nerves.

  2. watch USA Channel they have tennis and all that good stuff.

  3. Because there are so many events and US has a good chance of many of them.  

  4. I agree sick of hearing about that Phelps dude where is the fencing and horse riding

  5. i am pissed off to.NO rowing , water polo ,very little about riding and the list goes on. even on cable  it is the same  

  6. Swimming and Track have the most events.  This week track has not started yet.  Swimming and gymnastics are big events this week.  Next week no swimming but lots of track and field.


  8. Dang, you might want to look at the other NBC channels, becuase I've seen Rowing, Badmitton, Fencing, Equestrian, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, Softball, Cycling...all in bits and peices mind you.

    You also might want to consider that China is on a ~12 hour time difference from USA, some of the minor events might be happening while you sleep.

  9. because michael phelps is the one bringing home all the golds... thats the only reason why..

  10. because its the most revealing and we r sexually starved..its the one x****d show the whole family can watch legally and women in tights............aaaaaaaaaaa.

  11. It's just NBC puts emphasis on swimming because Americans are good in it.

    People like to see their own athletes on TV.

  12. Two words:  MICHAEL PHELPS

  13. I was just talking about that last night!   Dang, I would like to see the Softball games, Track, etc.....nothing but swimming and volleyball.  Maybe they structured the events differently this all the swimming first, THEN something else....haha.

  14. Becasue of Micheal Phelps history making possibilities. Swimming will be over this weekend and all the concentration will turn to track and field next week.

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