
Why is so much student teaching required without pay?

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I understand that you have to do some sort of student teaching.

However, 14 weeks in my state without any pay?

No wonder we have such a teacher shortage. I've changed my minor and decided not to teach because of this.

With gas prices high having to work all day without getting paid for five days a week? lol

I knew this from the beginning but now it's hitting me like a strike of lightning!

I think the state board of educations from the states are definately going to have to lower student teaching time or provide some type of compensation for this.




  1. you are not getting paid for student teaching because it is considered part of your college class. You do not teach a full load - it is usually a class or two a day - to give you the idea of pacing, planning and assessment in real time. You also do not get paid for your college classes.

    We all did it.

    Take the 4 months of debt. think of it as more college fees.

    4 months of debt for a career. If its such a burden to you, then the little extras we all teachers put up with will also be an issue with you later - supplies out of your own pocket, massive time investment away from the school site obligations, workload issues.

  2. I agree this is hard. I  am now a teacher, half way through my first year, yet a substantial amount of my pay goes into debts acquired when I was a student (one, I will admit, is an overseas trip, however I have multiple debts from time without income, to falling through a shower and having to get that fixed).

    I understand and agree with having a student teacher period, but think that regardless of what country you train in, you should be given a small stipend, to at least cover living costs and petrol (I am in NZ).

    I also found that I had numerous costs in starting out, from materials for my classroom walls, to a more 'professional' wardrobe.

    Finances can make it very challengin to begin teaching. It is worth it however, and I do not regret studying teaching.

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