
Why is socialism the in thing with today's Republican party?

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When a Dem proposes what McCain and Palin propose they are called socialists. When a Repub proposes handouts and amnesty they are called "compassionate".




  1. So, does that mean you're switching parties ?

  2. What? Chi guy, this is a rare miss for you...

  3. republicans dont go up on stage, make a bunch of promises to the poor, abotu how they care for the poor so much, and then drive away in a limousine to their mansion...

  4. Liberal policies demand we give the poor a fish everyday till judgment day, conservative policies say we give the poor a fishing pool and teach them how to fish.

    Who is smarter huh chi guy

  5. Links please? Facts please?  

  6. Because conservative politics has always been about privatizing the profit and socializing the risk.

  7. I know I miss the point on some questions....but....something inside out about the analogy here

  8. Only in liberal world

  9. Democrats don't propose aid for the less fortunate.  They propose complete redistribution of wealth.

  10. Liberals in the US are socialists.  McCain is a RINO:  Republican in name only.  The vast majority of Republicans are not socialists.

  11. they are hippocrates,that is part of their scare tactics cos they can't win any debate on issues.

  12. republican do not know the real definition of socialism

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