
Why is society so obsessed with how women look?

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anti aging creams, makeup, hair care products, wonder bras, diets, etc...why is society obsessed with how women look and give soo much pressure to women to be 'perfect' im not saying that guys dont have any pressure, but usually a guy is liked for being funny, smart, talented, etc...while in the media, you usually hear about what a girl looks like instead of what shes good at. idk. guys obsess over womens looks as much as the media? as in, do you think she should be skinny as possible? do you think she should always wear makeup with her hair perfect? idk.




  1. erm i duno realy probably because women are and have been objects of desire throut history and i dont think men obsess as much as women do about how they look were useually just happy to be getting some and being skinny isent everything also really skinny girls useually have no b***s bad breath and spots but on the outher hand you dont wanna be really fat cus thats just disgusting somewere inbeetween is fine

  2. because everyone expects women to look like the fake, airbushed, photoshopped models they see on tv.. it's ridiculous.

    but dove have started a 'campaign for real beauty', and it sends out a powerful message :)

    what's really sad is there are pre-tee kids that think what they see in the media is real beauty.. it's upsetting.

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