
Why is society so superficial?

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It seems like if you have looks, the world revolves around you. Why?




  1. Totally the media's fault! Look at any ad whether it be on T.V., Magazine, Internet, or whatever else---YOU SEE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! They warped our image of "normal" cuz we only are shown the most attractive people!

  2. ignorance   -   lack of proper understanding  and  knowledge  --- usually lack of zeal  

  3. I think it is because we (society) have mostly become superficial in our thinking , it starts of with seemingly insignificant at the check out the person asks are you today...?,and we answer  Fine thanks (which in reality is not the case often... we are not about to tell a stranger our problems)... they are told to say this and we all know that it is a meaningless question..(fake)..sometimes they really don't care or if they do there is no time to listen..overtime we get used to this fake attitude and slowly but surely it becomes a part of how we (collectively) (manage) fake our way though life ...

  4. That is just the way it is.

    And be glad that you can see the truth.

    I feel bad for them, really.

  5. Aside from the media controlling what we are supposed to think is beautiful etc...I think the media does control that society is supposed to adhere to the images they present to us as beautiful.This is superficiality....But you have to remember, the media's base line is to sell product...They use everything they can to make you believe you NEED to purchase that product to be a worthy human being...Which is a load of codswallop....Our society is becoming a shallow, 'throwaway society' that wants instant gratification. NOW..Superficial to the core.

    But, in saying that, I think there is more to it than that...I think people are naturally drawn to good looking people ~ If you go to a party, you will notice heads turn & people will naturally gravitate toward a very good looking person/someone with lots of personal charisma when they enter a room. I think it's just the way we humans are.

    But there are more important things we can be & aspire to...Don't lose sight of those things.. Beauty (as in peoples looks) is only skin deep after all & fade with time. Real beauty shines from within & over time, won't dim.

    Aspire to be a beautiful person inside. These are the things that make us who we really are.

  6. Honestly there are more important things going on than ones appearence. It might seem like if you have good looks the world revolves around you but trust me the world doesnt just revolve around just one person. Sure they might seem like they are amazing but who cares.  

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