
Why is soda unhealthy?

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Why is soda unhealthy?




  1. Soda is commonly known as liquid candy. It has no nutritional value and is only calorie-laden with high fructose corn syrup, which is BaaaaD for you. The corn syrup provides little or no nutrition and tons of calories. And for those diet sodas, they're just as bad, if not worse. They have aspartame, for which they have many studies that artificial sweeteners cause more damage than good. There have been several accusations against Splenda, too. Its a relatively new product, thus, accurate studies will take a while to conduct. In my opinion, Splenda seems too good to be true. The sodas with caffeine are horrible and can take a heavy toll on your body. There have also been numerous studies about the link between sod and obesity. Remember Super Size Me?

    I suggest that if possible, give it up fully. But if that goal is unattainable, at least moderate your intake and regulate how much soda you drink.

  2. Aside from all the stuff used to sweeten, whether "natural" or artificial and whatever is used to flavour and colour the stuff, sodas actually put carbon dioxide gas into your body which interferes with the oxygenation of the cells throughout your body.

  3. Soda in general is not a good thing for anyone to drink.  Soda does contain way too much sugar than what your body needs.  It has corn syrup (sugar) in it and that is one of the worst types of sugar to eat.  Also depending on the soda, it has or may have artificial flavors & coloring in it too.  Some also have those not too nice preservatives in it as well.  Then you have caffeine which is debated on whether or not it is good for you, but it is definitely not good for you in large quantities, it can hurt your heart and raise your blood pressure and in females can deplete your calcium in your bones.  As for me, I have about 5-6 sodas a YEAR, thats it :)

  4. Soda contains carbonated H2O! Too much intake may cause damage to your internal organs like your stomach. Sugar, high sugar content drink! Very Unhealthy! Too much for something is not good! Well what can we do? As others may say "Bad food are great!".

  5. it has lots and lots and lots and lots of sugar

  6. the sugar will rot your teeth

  7. I think its coke.........

  8. it's loaded on sugar which can lead to diaetes and it's a diatreic so it's gonna make you wanna pee more
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