
Why is solar power better for humans?

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whay is solar power better for humans? Please leave as much information as possible and if there are any websites that you can tell me about would be greatly appreiciated.




  1. It may not be so great, some believe it actually reflects heat back into the atmosphere, causing a warming, if you believe in man-made global warming.

  2. Here is the way I see solar.

    Long after your coal runs out.

    Long after your oil well runs dry.

    Long after your nukes stop glowing.

    Your one acre of land will still be collecting solar energy.

    Here are some good links to start.

  3. Because there is no pollution. Except for the manufacture and disposal of the panels. But who cares?

  4. because it's electric bill...what better things could you get for a human!!

  5. It isn't better for humans.

    It has benefits and problems, so it is neither better nor worse. It just is one possible way to generate electricity. The advantage is no fuel is used. The disadvantages are that it doesn't work at night and the solar cells are still too expensive to use everywhere.

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