
Why is some music not released in the U.S.?

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I've been trying to branch out and listen to some new artists, especially from England (since it's in a language I understand). I'm really suprised at how great some of the stuff I'm hearing is. I think if others turned on the radio and heard it they'd like it too, but since they aren't exposed to it, they don't know.

Why do artists choose not release in the United States or other countries? How do the songs from other countries that have become popular gotten on the radio in the United States?




  1. It's not always the artists themselves: Sometimes the managers think that certain songs won't go over well in the states.

    What's really sad is that I've noticed some dreary, monotonous, at best mediocre pieces ever so carefully nurtured- and some fantastic music get ignored.

    Take a look at Jethro Tull: There is a song they have titled Solstice Bells. You can find it on YouTube now. But I don't think the song was ever actually released here.

  2. its like vidio games, japan & england get lots of music & games that we may never see. idk y

  3. that just how it is...japan got alot of cool music that we haven't even heard..

  4. Because they don't think they don't think the music would be well recieved. Sure, some people here and there would like it, but for the most part, they won't.

  5. It's decided by corporate officials in some ivory tower what will sell and not sell.   Plus, it helps if it's promoting a movie or two.

    The music business isn't what it used to be.   The internet has been cutting into the the record industry's sacred cow profits for some time.

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