
Why is some people ignorant?

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Why does some Jamaican's scorn or make assumptions about fat people? If they seen a fat person they would assume they are unhealthy and that the skinny person is healthy. But yet they dont understand that skinny people can drop down and die of a heart attack anytime.

What do you think?




  1. Yeah, you've got it wrong. Jamaicans think that a woman who is curvy is WOMAN. For's a bit different, we like them athletic. Still I dont think it's a just Jamaican thing. Everyone does it!

    Also, a lot of Jamaicans say things that might seem insulting but it's just out of jest. I think in general, if you don't know the culture, you wont know the way Jamaican people think.

    I'm not saying it doesn't happen that people get teased, especially as kids because Jamaicans are very active & athletic people. However, it is not the general thought of Jamaicans that fat = unhealthy and skinny = healthy. Jamaican food servings usually consist of every food group, and a large helping of it too... and there's always a snack to be had.

    Anyways... another jamaican point of view is this: If you're fat that means you're Happy, if you're worried & miserable you're skinny & not eating.

  2. That's more of what America thinks.

    In America the image is stick skinny and this is just by looking at the magazines and watching t.v. You always see the people losing weight so you assume you do to.

    Jamaica loves strong thick girls. You will always hearing a Jamaican guy say " Mi want a strong gyal ! " or " Da gyal deh look strong e ! " Which means it's a compliment.

    So what are you talking about ?

    But I'd have to say that there are people in Jamaica that prefer lighter skin girls over darker skin girls and people do bleach in Jamaica but it's not everybody. Just some people.

    But I'm gonna agree with you that a some people in Jamaica would scorn a fat person but also they would scorn a skinny person if it's a girl and say " Dah gyal deh maga e ! "

    Usually the girls are critized alot in Jamaica cause girls are girls. We have to look our best.

    With everything that you've said I'm gonna have to say that fat or skinny , as  long as you love yourself and as long as your healthy that's all that matters !

    ☆ PEACE ! [=


    (='.'=) ♥


  3. Ahmmm....grammatical errors aside, the premise of this question shows an ignorance of Jamaican culture.

    Generally speaking, we consider fat people to be healthier, sexier, stronger and overall much more attractive than skinny people.  What you've written is definitely NOT the average Jamaican's assumption.

  4. Dude, You're mistaken.

    Those are more American assumptions.

    I'm skinny. Do you know how much people tell me I need to put on weight? I have lost count.

    Full figured people are considered more healthy than us skinny ones. I just have a high metabolism - I gave up trying to gain weight.

    dudette: I said I was skinny - I didn't say I was Skeletor.

    I'm sorry your mom treat you that way, but in general (at least in my experience) Jamaicans prefer people on the bigger side. I have heard on more than one occasion men saying they prefer big women. I personally don't want anyone skinny like me. That's why I love my Teddy bear...plenty to go around.

    People who discriminate against full figured people are ignorant. They'll discriminate down to the mongrel dog on the street. Saying that's a Jamaican thing is wrong. That's human beings in general- we criticize things we do not understand.

  5. That is not a Jamaican assumption....There are many people all over the world who scorn fat people and it is very unkind and cruel.

    Too skinny or too fat may mean health problems..but some people have a thyroid condition that changes your  normal weight.

    You never really know why someone is the size they are, so why be unkind an criticize.

    It's what is inside your heart that counts, not how you look.

  6. ok i would like to Thank you for saying some people and not saying all jamaicans cause i'm jamaican and i think that some jamaicans do that because they think fat people are greedy and just eat eat eat eat all day and it's not right at all me i just really don't care

  7. I am not sure why many of us think that way but I am sometimes of that impression. I am a heavier person and a lot of times my mother annoys me about being fat and all. She is even telling me that high fiver cereal is perhaps what is making me fat. All the things in my now heart-healthy diet are bad to her. It really hurts. I am one of the more unconventional members of the family as everyone is on the thin side of life but when I checked it out my sisters have higher cholesterol levels than I do. I have not had anyone scorn me but I have seen it and I have seen fat people made fun of. I think the previous answerers think you are mentioning really extremely skinny people, why their views are so out.

  8. I think Jamaicans, like many others in the western world, have grown up bullying 'the fat kid' mostly because he or she is different. Many people have poor self esteem even in adult-hood and perpetuate this childish 'bullying' behaviour. It doesn't help that for many years scientists pointed to WEIGHT rather than CHOLESTEROL as being responsible for heart attacks.

    The truth is that even though weight is not the primary factor in heart attacks, IT STILL MATTERS. It also matters in terms of risk for other common diseases to include diabetes and certain kinds of arthritis.

    Look at the statistics. It not just about heart attacks, its about keeping your body in optimum shape (presumably for longevity and quality of life). The less work your organs have to do, the better off you are in general. Your bones, muscles, joints and ligaments are all under more pressure with increased weight.

    I put on about 25 pounds in the last 3 months of 2007. I could FEEL the difference in my physical health weeks before i even checked the scale. I've been fighting to get it off ever since. Its not that easy. For the first time in my life my B.M.I. assessment says i am 'overweight'.

    I am NOT ok with people scorning others because of their weight, but i AM in favor of people being aware of and in control of their bodies as much as is necessary to have a happy life.

  9. MY YUTE ANO JAMAICA U A TALK BOUT U MUSSI MIX WE UP WID SOME OTHER COUNTRY. YOW JAMAICA MEN LOVE DEM FATTY YUH HEAR!!! noone scorns fat people thats absurd. actually to be considered Fat/Phat in certain parts of the body is a compliment. and obviouly if a person iS fat they are unhealthy its a medical term called OBESITY!!!!!! IDIOT. dnt get me wrong some people are jus big boned but when ur at the point where u cant walk without a stick u d**n unhealthy. yea anybody can drop dead at any second but who is more likely to a person who is skinny or a person with fat surrounding their heart constricting its movement????ansa dat fi mi please

  10. Boy wake up this Jamaica not the america

    how can you say something bout my country

    i bet you never been here

    dont judge a book by its cover

  11. One sumaddy caan so rass lie.

    Every family in Jamaica has a (full body, fluffy) fat member.

    Jamaicans do not harbour the thought of discrimination against the shape or size of the human body.

    Men and women varied in their preferences of their companion's size, but LOVE, respect, honour, responsibility, character, and honesty are more sort after in a person, than body mass.

    So you're fat and insecure, work on your self esteem, and appearance, cut out the rass lie dem

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