
Why is south africa so good in rugby?

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Why is south africa so good in rugby?




  1. I think they are not scared to break the rules to win.

    Whether it be biting ears or gouging eyes it really doesn't matter.

    The Dirtiest Rugby Team On The Planet

  2. Im not sure why but they have a strong base - group of players and a good natural environment for training...... although with the amount of coaches they employ every other day there days are numbered!

  3. Really strong and they don't try and be all fancy pants like some teams, they'll do whatever it takes to win and they don't care if its not pretty. Even more importantly, like England, they have the mental strength to win. Thats something NZ lack.

  4. Jake White is the coach and Victor Matfield and John Smit are the side

  5. because, like the all blacks, they're putting a lot of emphasis on developing the game at grassroots level.

  6. big strong fast and aggresive

  7. I think South Africa has the biggest pool of players in the world to pick from. If you follow the anthropic principle then they have a massive chance of developing word class players.

  8. South Africa has won 8 games out of 23 against the ALLBLACKs in the past 10yrs,South Africa has won Super rugby twice in 12yrs,New Zealand has won it 8 times.I dnt rate sth Africa at all.World Cup Sth Africa has won twice and New Zealand once and they were food poisoned by the Sth Africans in their second attempted in STH AFRICA.

    Sth Africans are cheats and their rugby down under never compares,its weak and inconsistent

  9. Big, strong Dutchmen, huge crowds ferociously Partisan!

  10. They practice lots

  11. Because they are good learners,  gained a lot from the All Blacks.

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