
Why is sperm not considered as an antigen eventhough it is forgien to womens body

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Why is sperm not considered as an antigen eventhough it is forgien to womens body




  1. See sperm never enters the circulatory system of the female's body the reproductive tract it survives for somethin' like 72 hours without bein' fertilized and that is why it is not considered as an antigen ... even when fertilization occurs the zygote is never in direct contact with the female's circulatory system ...only in the last month before parturation the infant comes in direct exchange of blood with the mother ... I hope you understood.

  2. because it does not enter the body any more than food does. If a sperm tried to make its way through the mucosae layer, it wouldn't last long.

    Whoops, Kay beat me to it.

  3. b coz it does not come in contact with the blood no antibodies are produced against it...

  4. Because it doesn't stimulate the production of antibodies that combine specifically with it.

    It just might fuse with an egg which is already there, sperm or no sperm.

  5. Because it doesn't stimulate the production of antibodies that combine specifically with it.

    It just might fuse with an egg which is already there, sperm or no sperm.

  6. i think antigen-antibody reaction only occur in plasma a.k.a blood fallopian tube, there is no direct contact with the maternal blood so coagulation not occur during the fusion..antigen-antibody reaction only occur when placenta has formed,when there is contact between fetal and maternal blood..

  7. Why is food not considered as an antigen?

    Same reason. It's how we were made.

  8. antigen is not any a foreign substance but a substance that produces immune response and results in production of antibodies (as its name goes anti-antibody, gen-generator)

    hope it helps


  9. its because ag-ab reaction takes place when there is contact b/w sperm and blood... but here there is no way for blood sperm contact.. even it is ag for men... if it happent to contact with male blood it leads to infertility...

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