
Why is steve bartman hated?

by Guest65286  |  earlier

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Why is steve bartman hated?




  1. IDK but I'm beginning to dislike him because of all these questions..

  2. Because Cubs fans are too proud to admit that their team choked, so they have to blame him for catching a foul ball like what any fan would do.

  3. Easy target, anyone who saw the replay knows that Alou had no shot at that foul ball.

  4. because he prank called sportscenter

  5. i am a cubs fan for life no matter what and i think no one could have made the play anyway!

  6. Because of a bunch of clueless morons who are too dumb to blame Alex Gonzales, the man whose error actually cost them the post season, so they blame a guy in the stands who did exactly what every other person in the stadium would have done - and he didn't cost them anything. The idiotic Cubs fans just have to have someone to blame, they won't blame their own player, so they blame a fan - it's so stupid it's actually funny.

  7. Because cub fans are too stupid to realize that he had nothing to do with them losing. Alou would not have even caught the ball, he admitted that himself. cub fans just need to blame someone or something, its how they are. Morons.

  8. alou would have never caught the ball anyways they have nothing else to blame for losing that game

  9. He is hated for that game 6 in the NLCS. You never heard of it? Well go read about it because I'm too lazy to type right now. I'm all going to say it's not his fault the Cubs lost.

  10. He is a fan who attended Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS (Cubs vs. Marlins) at Wrigley.

    A ball was hit in foul territory in the seats down the 3rd base line and he reached out and grabbed the ball before Moises Alou had a chance to catch it. If he caught it, many think that it would have got the Cubs out of a jam in the 8th inning and to win the game. (Why else do you think the fans in outfield seats are caged in at Wrigley?)

    Since the Cubs are notorious for choking (hence their 99 year World Series drought), it's obvious that Alou wouldn't have been able to catch the ball, and that Cub fans overreacted and blamed the end of their post-season play on a stupid foul ball that never really mattered!

    Yes, I'm a Sox fan.

    I hope that answered your question.

  11. The fans had to blame someone for choking.

  12. Because he cost the Cubs a trip to the World Series.

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