
Why is such a large part of society so negative about women who enjoy casual s*x???

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surely a person should be able to choose their lifestyle according to their own rules (provided none gets hurt) without such negativity!!!

or are the ones that are so vocal, those that want to do it, but are afraid??? ;)




  1. It's a residual from the days when people were religious.

    However, the real reason why all societies everywhere have attempted to regulate human sexual behaviour, is because s*x is the glue that holds families together, and families - where adults care for children and pass on their culture and skills - are the bedrock of society. If we cannot learn to care for and make sacrifices for other members of our family, we are unlikely to care for our neighbour. The deal has always been that women will refrain from promiscuity in order to assure their man that the children are his, and he in turn will be monogamous in order to dedicate himself to the care and protection of her children. Many individuals of both sexes have always found it hard to keep this bargain; women is particular hve often had be coerced through both carrot and stick. Wherever women have the opportunity to be financially and legally independent of men, promiscuity and illigitimacy rates rise.

    Personally I think everybody should make their own choices without being judged by others, but the above is a kind of socio-historic answer to your question.

  2. dare i say it...its a mans world...if a bloke does it,hes a stud,now if a woman does it she's a s**t....

    thats not my oppinion,and i dont mean to offend anyone but thats the way it is...even if its wrong.

  3. Because s*x is not supposed to be that way, its supposed to be between a married man and women used to create life. some people dont view it that way, and if they're fine with that, then thats fine. but most girls want more than just s*x. and it seems thats all guys care about.

  4. i agree but for some reason we have carried th notion that women who sleep around are whores but when men do it there kings.

    this should change cus s*x is an awesome and most natural thing you can do.

    i say more casual s*x

  5. Alot of my friends have casual s*x nearly every week with strangers they meet. I tried it and I hated it. I can't use my body like that. I can't just give my body to any person. You wouldn't give your car to a stranger would you? People have lost respect for their bodies, men and women.

  6. There is no problem about the actually having the "enjoyment" in the bed or beds where the casual s*x happens, But very big problems result when the result of that enjoyment 9 months thereafter materialises. This can mean an abortion which is murder, and press reports reveal some women have numerous abortions to get rid of their successively produced unwanted children! Or else the child is brought up by an irresponsible mother with an "absent father", all of which is known to lead to very serious problems and unhappiness for all involved, and particularly the children. That is why a large part of society is "negative" about women "enjoying casual s*x" with males.

  7. well, usually woman that enjoy casual s*x, and do it all the time..are whores.  Once in a while is ok though.

  8. Well I have to disagree some men call women s***s and so on...

    But I also have to agree the women who are cutting down the free spirited women are the ones who disagree with others life styes and who can not bring them selves to have casual s*x, some women also believe it is morally wrong so no matter what the women who enjoy and practice casual s*x will foreve be cut down, some women fear of these types of women b/c they think eventually their husbands would be with such women therefore they're all bad!!! and hated!!!

  9. The only people who are negative about women enjoying casual s*x like men have done for centuries are those who wish they could enjoy it but are hung up on age old morals and good old fashioned guilt! The men who dont like women like this feel this way as it is a loss of power! Simple as that, lol. I say live and let live, its absolutely no one else's business, I had my fun, now Im happily married and have no inclination to cheat on my husband, I think 90% of those who feel the need for casual s*x while single and suppress it are those that cheat on their husbands! x

  10. coz she's more valuable. it's not cool being used. however if she enjoys going around the block thats her own choice and decision. its her life, but you'll find that the happiest of women are in stable loving relationships. all depends x

  11. There are a lot of people that are still not okay with a woman truly owning her sexuality.  I completely agree with you, if no one is getting hurt then why the judgment?  Personally I believe to each their own, and if you enjoy having casual s*x as a woman it should be seen no differently than if you were a man.  Apparently the sexual revolution was forgotten by younger generations.  

  12. I think nowadays people should just get on with their lives and stop worrying about what other people think.  Yeah its frowned upon women doing casual s*x - but if they were that bothered about what other people think about it; they either wouldn't do it or wouldn't brag about it.

    Thats the only way people get to know - so it's their choice really.  I personally think its up to the individual, and we all have to do it at some point in our lives just to get it out of our system.

  13. Its a double standard, Men do it its awesome, women do it shes a ho. Either way it shouldnt be done, s*x shouldn't be so casual for anyone, its supposed to be an expression of love not just hornyness! I mean after the "sexual revolution" we progressively went down as a society. You see it reflected in the media, clothing, in all of these single parent households, its a shame, I love s*x just as much as anyone else if not more (lol) but I share that with my hubby.

    Edit: About men not being negative about it. THAT IS THE BIGGEST CROCK!! If a women told you she slept with 5 guys in one week and 60 since she was 18 and is only 26? You would be ok with that??? I dont think so.

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