
Why is sunlight an important element for sustaining life on earth?

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plz tell me d answer me.....give eg. bout how sunlight is important for us...i need it....i'll be thankful




  1. Important for plants to make their food as they use sunlight to help make sugars and animals eat the plants. No plants, no animals!

    Important for humans as we need the vitamin D that is produced by our skin when sunlight is absorbed by it.

    When we lack Vitamin D we can become sad and depressed, so we need it to be happy!

    Important to keep this world going as it is, because the temperature of our planet sustains the various life there is in the different climates. Any change in the temperatures would have a great affect on land and within the sea.

    ...If the temperature of the land were to drop, things could  become too cold, frozen, plants would not flower and seeds would not be dropped to produce more plants. Too hot and plants may not get enough water as it would evaporate away, they would dry up and die.

    ...If the temperature of the sea were to drop a lot, then certain marine creatures would not breed or migrate [same as land creatures] and if it got too hot certain species would not be able to survive as the food chain would be disrupted or their 'comfort-zone' would disappear and so would they.

    We need the sun, it is God's light of hope and love for all of us to draw upon.

  2. how easy you should be able to answer that........but i'll tell yooh anywaiis

    Humans need sunlight for the production of Vitamin D, without which we would have serious bone problems and diseases such as Rickets. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, the method by which they use sunlight to produce sugar, which provides them with energy. ( this is the short version)

    (long version)

    Sunlight triggers the body to make its own vitamin D, which is crucial not only for strong bones and healthy teeth, but for keeping the immune system healthy too. Studies have shown, for example, that exposing the body to sunlight or even ultraviolet light from an artificial source increases the number of white blood cells or lymphocytes. These are the body's primary defence against the onslaught of an infection and are an important part of your immune response to the organisms that cause illness.

    Vitamin D also plays a role in increasing the amount of oxygen your blood can transport around the body which, in turn, will boost your energy levels, sharpen your mental faculties and give you an improved feeling of wellbeing.

    Few people realise that sunlight actually lowers blood cholesterol levels and so can be a powerful ally in the fight against the Western World's biggest killer - heart disease. This works because the body needs the ultraviolet light in sunlight to breakdown cholesterol, which at high levels could otherwise block the arteries.

    Sunlight also triggers the increased production of the feel-good brain chemical, serotonin - which, as well as controlling your sleep patterns, body temperature, and s*x drive, lifts your mood and helps ward off depression

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system. It happens when the myelin sheaths, which cover and protect the nerve fibres, are damaged, leading to symptoms such as tremors and even paralysis. The cause is not known but what scientists have noted is that exposure to sunlight in childhood appears to dramatically reduce the risk of this disease in later life.

    got this info off a website

  3. Erm, it allows drives photosynthesis in plants, which creates food for the plant in the form of sugars. These are then passed to other organisms (i.e other animals, humans) etc via food chains and webs, which show the movement of energy, when plants are eaten by other organisms. This allows life forms to be sustained.

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