
Why is taking Spanish in Middle School important?

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I really dont see how its important after getting an assignment on this. I cant think of what to write because i dont see its important, i just see it as time off from the main subjects?




  1. its not when i got into my freshman year of high school i just retook spanish one and learned more in that year than my two years in middle school

  2. because it probably counts for high school

  3. Spanish is the second most spoken language commercially in the world, it will be good for you in the future, be able to talk to a lot of people around the world.

  4. it looks good on resumes or whatever for college.

    you'll get into better schools

    and you'll be able to take 5 years of that language, HUGE bonus.

    definitely take it.  

  5. you can take spanish 2 in freshman year, and ve ahead of other students and thats one less class to worry about in high school.  

  6. since there's so many mexicans coming into America most jobs require you to speak Spanish  

  7. Taking Spanish in middle school will help you be better prepared for it in high school when you're REQUIRED to take foreign language.

    Plus, nowadays knowing Spanish gets you a job over someone else who doesn't know how to speak it.  We have an increasing Hispanic population in the U.S. and it'll really help you and maybe someone else if you are bilingual in Spanish and English.

  8. 1)Spanish is the second most-common language in the United States after English. There are more Spanish speakers in the U.S. than there are speakers of French, Hawaiian, and the Native American languages combined. According to the 2006 American Community Survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau, Spanish is the primary language spoken at home by over 34 million people aged 5 or older.[1] The U.S. is home to more than 40 million Hispanics,

    2)¿Entiende Ud. español? If your answer to, "Do you understand Spanish?" is "no," get ready to be left behind. With the surge over the past decade in the Hispanic population in the United States, speaking Spanish is becoming more of a necessity than a choice in many parts of the country. From feedlot managers in Nebraska to New York City stockbrokers, Americans are scrambling to learn a language that is now spoken by many of the35.3 million Hispanics in the United States.

    3)Hispanics outnumber blacks as the largest minority group in the USA for the first time since the government began counting the nation's populatiGrowing marketon more than two centuries ago.How they're changing America ......."In 50 years, we'll probably be using different categories to classify the U.S. population," Passel,  demographer at the Urban Institute in Washington, says. "The boundaries are going to become much fuzzier. ... We don't know in that sense what it'll mean to be Hispanic in 50 years."

    So, only in middle school? or prefer to move ...abroad learn it?

  9. I know here in canada we need to do french insteas of spanish and yes its just a time killer....Half the time it's liek they are speaking another language :P lolz

    Its Probably the same reason like canada's u need to learn it because its ur country's second language.... But its still boring :P

    Viva La Raza

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