
Why is technique so important? ( 10 points )?

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I mean after all I hear all these questions about speed and strength in yahoo answers, so why is technique the most important aspect of all every martial art on the earth?




  1. actually, technique is not the end-all be-all. it is a very useful tool, however. technique is something that you learn in the beginning and yes, between two students with lesser training, the student with technique will usually win. however, what is really important in martial arts is the MIND. techniques are superficial, and look flashy sometimes but overall the person who wins is not the person who knows the most techniques, but the person with the most confidence, and simply more WILL. this does not mean technique is useless, technique and mind together will beat just mind, and will beat just technique. however the mindset is the most important tool for any martial artist.  

  2. Without technique you will hurt yourself more then your opponent.

  3. that is if you dont have the right technique, you could develop bad habits that would be fatal. No matter what strength, speed, how hard you train etc. It wont work if you don't have the right technique. The technique is important because no other aspects require as much thought to it. You can obtain good speed through doing a single skill over and over again, you could obtain good strength but doing a move over and over again until you are strong enough. But technique has to be taught correctly and requires you to understand it.

  4. if you do not have technique in your kick it will not be a straight kick or a strong kick it will be sloppy, slow and easy to block.

    if you have no technique in your hand movements you can't block correctly you won't have power in your punches and your gaurd will slip oppening you up for attacks.

    if you have no technique in any of you locks or throws your opponent will be able to slpi away you won't have a tight grip and you can most of all do harm to yourself.

  5. I`m thinking of speed and strength...But I saw those `Drunken Master`, what is that? He is only a Drunken Dun gen! What big deal! In their theory, the first thing first, you must talk with confuscius. And you must make yourself confused.

    What about the `Taijie`? Usually, those old men and women practising them in the mornings. I don`t have any patience on that. Their motions are very slow! How on earth that they`ve the theory of borrowing your enemies strength to hit them?

    What rubbish barkings!

  6. Technique. Noun: The systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific task is accomplished.

    Technique is basically an umbrella term. Your usage of speed and strength will define your technique. It's on the top of the "chain", which is why it could readily be considered most important.

  7. Because very likely if it comes down to it you will not be attacked by somebody the same size or smaller then you. they will generally be larger and stronger. They will also in all likely hood have a weapon, and speed and strength alone cannot over come a blade. Good technique is what will do that. good technique can defonetly begate an opponents speed and strength.

    Also how long are you going to have speed and strength. My instructor has trained for almost 40 years, and quite honestly has slowed down a lot physicly, even he adnits that. However he has excellent technique, and superb timing. he often defeats(me included) younger, stronger, faster people in sparring. He hits like a sledgehammer.

    So when you are older and don't have the speed or strength, what is going to be there for you? Say it with me...good technique.

    Good question

  8. probably cause its what makes you better

  9. Speed and strength fade with time.

    Technique stays forever.

  10. The moves designed in Martial Arts, (Whether it be Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon Do..) are specifically made to target a certain area on the body and achieve a certain outcome, ie; KO, respiratory restriction, temporary blindness etc.. If you did martial arts and possessed strength and power, but not technique, you would not know how to peform the move correctly, therefore not achieving the purpose of the move.

    Technique also includes history of the studied art, which is an important aspect to all kinds of Martial Arts.

  11. I'm a martial artist of about three years experience and i know that from always being told by my private lesson instructor, 5-time world champion, Anthony Atkins.  Technique is everything from strong solid stances and powerful moves.  If you walk into a tournament with bad technique you lose.

    Personal Experience---------------I just got home from a national tournament in Washington D.C. and my stances weren't the greatest so i ended up not placing even though i had a great chance.

    They say that stances in martial arts is like the base of a pyramid...if you turn the pyramid upside down...what will will fall.  if you have bad stances...all your techniques will be bad. (e.g.--a bad front stance equals a bad front kick)

  12. Without technique, you're no better than some untrained brawler. They could have speed and strength as well, but they won't be as effective in a fight as a trained martial artist. The "technique" that you execute a move with is meant to enhance it's speed and power, making it more effective. Thus, better technique would give you the edge in a sparring match as well.

    Also, you may end up having to defend yourself against someone a lot bigger and stronger than you. With that, any advantage you had in strength has immediately gone out the window, and speed isn't always enough to disable your opponent so you can escape safely. So having good technique gives you a better chance here as well.

  13. Technique is what sets you apart from the competitor. It is what will win the fight for you.  

  14. EASY TERM (action and reaction) when you have learned your techniques you have learned what to do or how to "react to your opponents action" this means when he throws a punch you have trained your body to automatically know to throw a guard in just the right place to set up your next attack or counter. this is what all the training and repetition is for when you take class 2 or 3 times a week,  knowing your technique is also the difference between a white belt and a black belt. you can only do so much with just speed and strength. a slower and not as strong person with good technique will usually win because they know what their next move is!! Hope this helps

  15. A superior athlete, with average technique, will overcome a poor athlete, with excellent technique.

    I'm not saying technique isnt important, it is.  

    However, you always hear about black belts getting their a$$ kicked by a thug.  I have no doubt that this happens sometimes, and I'm sure that the black belts had "technique".

    I know your feelings about individualism not having a place in training.  However, I completely disagree.  

    Fights are not won and lost by technique, style or belt color.  They are won or lost by individuals.  

    While technique and style may play some role in the outcome of a fight, I believe that experience, speed, power, reaction, athletic ability, quickness and strength will have a much greater outcome.

    When I say this, I am talking about a fight, a willing contest between two egos.

    In a self defense situation, i.e., "surprise attack" or someone gets you in some kind of hold, then I place a much greater emphasis on technique, you have to drill it over and over until it works.

    We'll have to agree to disagree on this concept.


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