
Why is television so mind-numbing?

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Why is television so mind-numbing?




  1. Your choices, or your reaction to what you think are other people's choices -- for what they're watching. Overall, you could watch something very entertaining and thought provoking -- or a good movie, and old comedy, classic TV and find something unusual like a concert of all kinds -- some people exercise by/with it leading, learn how to dance, watch ALL kinds of sports and the Olympics (which isn't mind-numbing)... Or, you can sit there and find the worst TV has to offer, and realize you're wasting your time (when you don't see that -- you've become numb).

  2. Because the mind is not active in the process of watching T.V.It has a numbing effect as a result of this passivity,which is why it would be so much better for children to be doing/playing/reading/talking.There is less activity used in watching T.V  than there is in sleeping. The after effects can include more aggresive behavior and fighting amongst children.Observe closely children watching T.V for long periods and observe yourself too!

  3. It's purposely made that way by Corporate-owned

    Mainstream Media, (MSM). It's designed to "dumb

    down" the American people so big gov't can take

    their rights out from under their very noses. Just

    look at this new war between Georgia and Russia.

    The MSM is putting out the lie that Russia attacked

    the smaller nation of Georgia, when the truth is that

    Georgia, along with Israel and U.S. forces attacked

    a Russian city, killed like 1,000 civilians and blew

    up police stations and hospitals. But the brain-dead

    turnips watching TV here have no clue; just like

    they would be completely surprised if Martial Law

    is declared, the election suspended, and U.S.

    citizens are herded into detainment camps already

    built by FEMA. MSM Television is worse than

    mind-numbing. It's directly contributing to the

    destruction of the United States as a soveriegn nation.  

  4. Because it is *meant* to be stupifying. The erstwhile programs are just breaks between commercials, wouldn't you know. The network shows re the worst for this. If you must watch, keep a sweep-hand clock in view, and jot down the ratio in time of commercials to programming material.

    Hey, demand that the TV networks BUY our TV's for us- we shouldn't have to pay for their drivel.

    BTW, TV is broadcast at just that frequency that induces theta waves in our brains, cancelling critical thought and abetting suggestibility.

    How do you feel now?  

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