
Why is that Priests aren't allowed to marry?

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What if they did? is that a sin for them?




  1. DoN#t forget that they are humans  

  2. Before 1079AD Roman Catholic priests were allowed to marry. But the Roman Catholic Church introduced celibacy to prevent families of deceased priests claiming church land.

    Forbidding RC priests to marry is unnatural. They should be allowed to marry if they so wish.

  3. You've heard about what they do with other people's kids, imagine what they would do with full time access to their own.

  4. A Pope in the 10th or 11th century turned Rome into a Brothel so the Pope after that decided that Priests could never again have s*x.

    I think it was John 23rd the 1st.

    I'll be you didn't know that there were two John 23rd's did ya?

    Its one of Rome's worst kept secrets.

  5. they are imitating Jesus but He never said they couldnt..

  6. bcuz when they marry, they are going to have kids, and that means having "s*x"

    priests are suppose to be spirtual, in relationship with god, their like holy

    and if they have kids like us, then that makes their lvl similar to us, get it?

  7. It was foretold that this was going to happen.

    "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among YOU yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves."  Acts 20:29,30.

    "However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; forbidding to marry..."  1 Tim 4:1-3.

    As for the consequences if they ignore the church...not sure. Discommunication ?

  8. looks like they allowed to mollest kids tho..

  9. Well to be honest, that is a Catholics doctrine not a Biblical doctrine, in the Old Testament all priest were married and gave their teachings to their sons .

  10. The RCC doesn't want the priests to have wives and children to inherit their belongings and money.  They want them to leave everything that they own to the RCC.

  11. They were able to marry earlier and then one Pope changed it.

  12. Yes, because priests vow themselves to the church like in a wedding vow, priests marry the church to serve and obey the church's doctrines.

    Catholic Priests can't marry.  

    If they marry, the priest becomes an ex-priest and is dismissed from the church's obligations.

    Something like that.


  13. It's just a stupid religious rule. They are supposed to married to God, so they can't marry a woman. Unfortunately, the priesthood has become a haven for g*y males who have trouble in our homophobic society dealing with their homosexuality.

    People who try to repress their urges often attempt to do so by going in the opposite direction. Because they see their urges to be sexually involved with small children as dirty and wrong, they try to escape them by doing the most positive thing they can do, which is entering the priesthood. And then the urges get out of control and they are so trusted that they have easy access to children. Probably some have no interest in fighting their urges and they just join the priesthood to take advantage of having unsupervised access to children.

    At any rate, forbidding priests from marrying is something that should go by the wayside.  

  14. It is simply a discipline they freely choose by being a priest. They would need a dispensation in order to marry which is given in very very rare instances. It is not impossible this dispensation might given if the person were to leave the active priesthood. Priests need to spend full time with their parishioners as their family without the distraction of pleasing a wife and children.  

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