
Why is that at some fast food places they don't use gloves?

by  |  earlier

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I ate at a fast food place today and noticed that the worker was not wearing gloves when he made my burger. What I don't get is why are they not required to wear gloves for safety standards? Not all are trusted washing their hands after using the restroom or cleaning. Isn't wearing gloves a requirement when serving food?




  1. Actually, it's cleaner in the kitchen than it is at the counter.  The filthiest hands?  The cashier, who has been handling the money all day, but no one seems to care when they get the soft drinks and fries.

  2. If he sticks his finger in his butt with his glove on would it make a difference?

  3. Gloves are in no way more sanitary than your hands and they also have a very high risk of cross contamination.  Glove first off capture most of the food that an employee is dealing with which leaves a lot of microscopic residue wich can get into other forms of food.  For example if you are allergic to tomatoes and ask for no tomatoes on your sandwich if a person is wearing gloves and handling their food then part of the tomato is gonna be on the sandwich same thing applies to all other foods.  Your bare hands do not pick up this residue.  Also gloves are made out of latex a lot of people in the world are allergic to latex.  Basically what I am trying to get at is that there is no law about gloves because every educated person knows that gloves are much less safe that your bare hands.

  4. Pure laziness

  5. I'd report them to your local health dept.

  6. Gross!

    Yes! Restaurant workers are supposed to wear gloves!

    Bleck! Hee - when I read your question - I thought you said "boogers" not  "burgers"

    Oh my..

  7. The answer to this question is dependent upon the county health laws where you are dining. Some counties require the use of barriers (I.E. Gloves) at all times, and require the server to change out the gloves each time. This method is very expensive. Most restaurants require the server to wear a glove when serving or topping product with un-sanitized products, such as fresh, not pre-washed processed lettuce.

  8. Wearing gloves does not neccesarily make it more hygenic. Technically you should change your gloves everytime you would normally wash your hands but many people dont and there for cross contamination becomes a higher issue. Personally i would rather be served by someone with out gloves than with.

  9. Well , you have a very good point at what you are saying . I always went into mcdonalds and i would always look in at the kitchen and see if they used gloves , but they didn't so i just did some research on that  .

    The reason why they dont wear gloves is because people wash there hands . Its as simple as that .

    But i personaly think that ANY reastraunt should have the regulation to wear gloves . Who's to say that they were Picking there nose , or maybe scratching other places  ?

    Try going to subway , they wear gloves !


  10. i agree.  i once ordered an entire meal at taco bell and after seeing the worker make my food with bare hands i said "no thanks and i want my money back" and i got it back. i still haven't tasted taco bell...

  11. it bothers the worker

  12. yes it is a requirement to wear gloves-call the main office or CDC

  13. Wearing gloves are dirtier than washing hands!! People who wear gloves don't change them because they think their hands are clean when the gloves are filthy. They are required to change the gloves if that restaurant has that, but they don't always change the gloves which is like not washing their hands but worse!

  14. YES...they are suppose to wear gloves....Just had this problem last week for the second time with the same place...only this time, it was the asst mgr that prepared my coney with NO GLOVES, after handling money (I watched it all)...ewwwww...I called the corp office and spoke with the VP....that's just nasty and unsanitary!!  Anyone reading this...if you are dealing with food...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE wear gloves...thanks in advance :-)

  15. I worked in fast food as teen you are suppose to were gloves.I usually say something to the manager on duty if I see they don't have them on

  16. It all depends on the area you are in. Some places the workers don`t have to wear gloves. Like where I live they have to wear gloves , but in the next county they don`t have to. But if someone gets a food born illness the heath dept. will investagate and then they will make them wear gloves. I am with you on the wearing of gloves ,you just don`t know if the person making your food wash there hands.I have work in fast food for many years, and in many states.So I know that not all places require you to wear gloves, they should because I have worked with some nasty people.

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