
Why is that college athletes want to get paid?

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College athletes in most sports, both major and minor, receive a full scholarship that provides them with a top-notch college education.




  1. They are GREEDY and STUPID and never satisfied with fairness.  

  2. between school and the sport they have no time for a job.  with out a job how can they handle their essential financial needs.  deoderant, lotion, clothes, snacks, a beer here or there,  maybe even a date?????  c'mon  this is the real world and it takes money to get by.  you gotta give a dog a bone or at least a small stipend

  3. they want to get paid cuz it is their career. that is their job and how they survive.

  4. I think it's a crime that universities, the NCAA, and the media make billions off of college sports but the athletes car only entitled to a scholarship (if their lucky) worth about $15K-$50K depending on where they go to school.

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