
Why is that eating dogs condemn by Muslims in Beijing Olympics?

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Is there any Code Of Ethics, or health reason?

Apart from dogs, would they eat anything else?

I just little curious to know the reason.




  1. I in no way hold myself as an expert, but in speaking with a friend who grew up in the Middle East he said that dogs were not even kept as houspets, they were considered unclean.  Cats were kept for their purpose (keeping away rodents), but no one would ever consider having a dog.   If you would not even consider having one in your house or yard, I can't see why they would ever consider serving one for dinner. (The same as we in the US do not consider eating dog meat)

  2. It’s neither a crime nor an unethical practice in China, so why change it for the sake of Olympics?

    What is “Code-of-Ethics” if everyone of them are killed in the same cruel way? Just behead them or shoot on their head! After all they are pigs, dogs or even dead beef? Those vegetarians are being proud of  not involving in such hullabaloo kind of arguments.

    o Put the whole 'pig thing' in perspective: a Muslim seeing a pig near a Mosque is like a vegetarian walking past someone's pet dog. They aren't bothered by it, but they sure as h**l don't want to eat it.

    It is common knowledge that dogs are considered dirty animals in the Islamic religion. In 2002, an Iranian hardline cleric was so concerned about pet dog ownership he issued the following statement:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI demand the judiciary arrest all dogs with long, medium or short legs - together with their long-legged owners,”

    Of course, dogs are disgusting, or rather their owners are when they allow their dogs to l**k their faces or sleep in their beds. Cats are a different matter in Islam. The founder of Islam loved cats, famously cutting the sleeve of his coat so as not to disturb a sleeping feline. Yet, my cat is forever l*****g its ****. Both dogs and cats are vectors for disease. Which goes to show that some religious views from the past might have been entirely sensible at the time, even if the rationale for them was not known. Some risks may have been missed, and others can become less important with time and modern understanding of hygiene.

    There is however, no Islamic edict that dogs are offensive in of themselves, outside of Mohammed’s view one should stay clear of dog saliva and wash seven times if you come in contact with it. Which is fair comment in my opinion.

    We should not think that those eating dogs are MORMONS.  

  3. You'll probably get a lot more answers in the Spirituality & Religion section.

  4. Dog meat was not banned because of Muslim laws.  The restaurants that had it removed from their menu are the restaurants that are listed in the Olympic program as recommended restaurants-they had to promise not to serve dog to be put on the program.  The Chinese are trying to be good hosts in this way and not offend Western sensibilities by serving items that we would see as offensive.

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