
Why is that if a person has nice things everybody assumes they are wealthy?

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If a person dresses nice or has a nice automobile does it mean they are loaded with money? I don't get it. I have nice things but I went many years with junk before I could afford something nice.




  1. Because people think that that person has the money to buy those nice stuffs. Poor people don't have that much money to buy really nice stuffs; they will usually use their money to spend to their basic needs. It's natural for people to think that way if they don't know you/what you've been through to get the things you wanted.

    My grandmother has this kind of situation too. Neighbors think she's sort of rich when in fact she's just as poor as they are. The only difference is my grandmother doesn't waste her money gambling, smoking, buying unnecessary items instead of food and other much needed things. She spends her money wisely that's why she eats 3 times or more a day and wears comfortable clothes. It's not something to be so bothered about. In fact, isn't it nice that people don't think you poor? The prob is the scowling face you get when you sometimes refuse to lend them money! =)

  2. There are a lot of people who dress nicely and drive nice automobiles who are not wealthy.  It's called credit.  

  3. I just assume they're in debt, like the rest of America. ;)

  4. It is because the idea of working hard for what you have is a foreign concept to some people. They assume that you just went and got it because you could. They only know one way of thinking, and measure everyone else by that yard stick.

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