
Why is that people like to put themselves into groups, and they don't look at society as on group of humans?

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Why is that people like to put themselves into groups, and they don't look at society as on group of humans?




  1. But they do.... Opposing groups !!!

  2. I think it is because poeple like to find similarities to validate them being a part of a "select group" I thnk it has a lot to do with "Ego".

  3. Sometimes we forget that we're all on the same team!

  4. I think it is in our genes to be suspicious of those different than you or your tribe.

    IN survival, this is helpfull for protection

    What I meant exactly is; It is very common in humans AND the animal kingdom , to be cautious of those "different" than you, or about people.

    Like , in the animals, some mothers and their herd will cast out a member who is weak or different in some way.

    I think people do this on a sub-conscious level. ( separating into groups)

    Given the choice, most , if not all , feel most comfortable around people who share the same culture and alot of attributes that come with that.

    I'm NOT against multiculturalism; I just think it goes against our primitive, instinctual, nature.

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