
Why is that people think like this????

by  |  earlier

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So many people post "What a dumb question. You just wasted 5 points" Now, correct me if I'm wrong ( I am not) but asking costs 5 points, But answering gets you two points an answer. So if you answer three questions, you are ahead by 1. What is wasted? Any comments?




  1. I don't have this problem

  2. That really doesn't bother me...

  3. I have no idea, I guess they can't add .

  4. If you think about it, you only lose 2 points for asking a question, once you choose a best answer you get three of those five points back.  

  5. I personally like when people ask stupid question.It gives me a laugh and easy 2 points.People shouldn't be getting all mad because they are the ones taking away their points.So just be happy they are giving you an easy 2 points

  6. Because they're uptight.

  7. I only  say "You wasted five points" when they seriously are getting on my nerves with such stupid questions.

  8. I hate it when people point it out. I mean, it's the questioners five points, why do they care?

  9. Personally, I think that there are far too many dumb questions on Yahoo Answers, and it would take an eternity to point all of them out.  But, I think that folks just answer "What a dumb question" in order to get 2 easy points.

    Love your user name, by the way.

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