
Why is that so many girls hangout with g*y guys is it to make us jelous or something?

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  1. No, it is because g*y guys and girls like to talk about the same stuff like clothes and shoes and our b***s and butts. It is not to make you jealous it is to make sure we look good for you guys

  2. No it's cause often they like shopping and things too, and have similar interests, and can prove an excuse for a ball date and things like that.

    They're just good friends really. :)

  3. Uh... no... it's because g*y guys tend to be more in touch with their feminine side, since so many of us guys are closed off emotionally, and it gives girls a chance to hang out with someone who will open up... and who isn't a girl.

    Because ESPECIALLY of the fact that women don't trust women. They're insecure and don't like being at risk of being backstabbed by a female friend, and they don't want their female friends to look better than them or get more guys. It's insecurity.

  4. Because they don't have to worry about how they act around them.  They can hug and kiss them and compliment them without the g*y guy reading anything into it.  You have to be careful how you act around a straight guy.  A lot of them think a smile means "yes I'll go to bed with you".  A smile is just a smile.  g*y guys know that.

    Also they have the charm of men with some of the characteristics of women - sensitivity, interest in fashion, etc

  5. g*y guys are nice & funny.

    its not like straight guys, there different. they can somewhat relate to use girls.

    my friend is g*y & i totally love him for being g*y lmfao :D

  6. I guess because we get the best of both worlds while with them....the low down on what guys really think and honest fashion tips/advice. Mine does hair and he's great company when I'm upset with my boyfriend and has access to the hot hush hush parties so he's a keeper.

  7. Many girls hang out with g*y guys because they can be themselves around them and not have to worry about acting cool or impressing him.

  8. It's because most girls don't want a player they want a friend as well as a boyfriend. So don't go into a relationship just for some K?

  9. It's because g*y people are non threatning to girls.

    Its a way of connecting to boys

    without the threat of sexual encounters



    wondering if he's imagining you naked

    that sort of thing


  10. I have a g*y friend. I hang out with him for the same reason I hang out with my girlfriends and straight guy friends. He is a good person and fun to be with.  

  11. No Not At All Just Becuz They Have That Girl Affect Cause There g*y Its LIke having another girl as you friend its not cuz they wanna make you jeulus.....

  12. because g*y guys actually understand girls.. they're not like (some) other guys and use girls..  

  13. nahh, g*y guys are amazing.

    like their hilarious and

    very good at hair and makeup.

    But we pretty much have no intention

    of making you guys jealous for hanging

    with them.

    Their more like girlish friendss.

  14. No, we don't want to make you jealous. Its just that g*y guys know how to have fun and are really fun to hang around. Some of my closest friends are g*y guys.

  15. No g*y guys are fun! They have that feminine side that girls like to be around. Not that regular guys are not fun they are, they just don't have that feminine side.  

  16. No, it's just because g*y guys understand us more and they have more in common with girls.

    Also sometimes they don't have many guy friends that feel comfortable hanging out with them.

    Which is STUPID! But whatever.

  17. No it's because they usually share similar interests with the girls. Besides what's wrong with girls hanging out with g*y guys? If they're g*y they won't go out with the girl.

  18. camp g*y guys are super funny.

    i've always gotten along better with guys than girls anyway. so it's good to have a guy best friend that you can talk to about girly stuff, stuff straight guys don't care so much about.

    i don't see how it would make straight guys jealous really. oh unless you're thinking about them getting to see us in our underwear haha.

  19. all my friends in school were g*y, and it was mainly because they were alot nicer than most of the girls i went to school with, yet i still got to go the mall and check out guys with my friends!

  20. No no no, its nothing like that, its just that the g*y guys i know are fun to be around, if your getting jealous just think of them as a girl, that's what we think of them.

  21. sometimes hanging out with a g*y guy feels more comfortable than being around a straight guy, with a g*y guy, it's like having the best of both worlds. its not to make you jealous or anything like that. you shouldn't feel threatened by it either. g*y guys are just really opinionated and tell it how it is unlike some girlfriends who sometimes wont tell you whats best and whats not. especially in the shopping department. so just let it be. plus. g*y guys may feel comfortable around girls too so don't let it bother you. its not about you. its about the comfort and friendship between them and us girls.  

  22. g*y guys are just sooo much fun. they can def bring drama to the table, which sucks.. but they are sooo honest you will never leave the house looking like an idiot as long as a g*y guy gives you the thumbs up :-)

  23. A g*y guy is basically like hanging with a girl . . . so it's like saying why do girls hang out with girls? Well duh it's because they have a lot in common. In the case of a g*y guy with a straight girl is that they are both not keen to cooters . . . ha ha ha ha ha i'm a **** hagg trust me a lot of the times they find you? i have sooooooooo many HOT g*y friends that i met them because i was flirting with them and then they were like "I'm g*y" ha ha ha you should really try and make friends with the g*y guy crowd mostly because most haggs are really pretty.

  24. nooo

    its becuse there like our gf

  25. women like to hang out with guys and be themselfs... FOR REAL.

    we ALL put on an act around guys!

    g*y guys are generally nice, funny, energetic, and fun.

    not always though, sometimes women just like them, as a person, not b/c he's g*y.

    sometimes we do it to make u jelous (tehe) but most of the time no.

    good question!


  26. No it has nothing to do with jealousy. The saying is " a g*y guy is a girls best friend" why, because we get the friendship of a guy who can like the things we do such as fashion, shopping, hair etc. Yet we don't have to worry about being hit on. It is a safe friendship. Plus they are usually funny and what I like most, is that they aren't afraid to be who they are , regardless of what people say.

  27. they find them fun

    not hit on them?!? there are very TRUE g*y guys..they should be called BI (a lot are attracted togirls and guys! so don't be so trusting)

  28. no g*y guys are just so fun to hang out with

    they actually know or feel the same things we do and its just so nice

    to have a guy friend that actually feels and acts like a girl

    guys shouldnt be jealous of girls hanging out with g*y guys unless they are bi then they should worry lol

  29. because g*y guys are just fun to be around.... they are just like our girlfriends only in male form...and its fun to be able to be around a guy and hug him and be yourself around him... and do whatever with out him trying to get in your pants.....around normal guys you have to be careful with your actions.....

    please answer mine?

  30. Not at all to make you jealous..It is because g*y guys are usually more open to their femanine side. Girls like having an opinion from a guy with fashion, and girl talks and all that stuff. It's mainly because its like having another girl friend, and sometimes a hot one..

  31. g*y guys don't hit on them.

    They can get a man's perspective on relationships without worrying about their g*y friend developing feelings for them.

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