
Why is that some women chase after the men that are not available to them?

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Do they not want to see other women happy?




  1. to feel superior than the other woman

  2. just the "hope" that something will happen. they're chasing after that. chasing the hope and need/want to be loved, not the man himself.

  3. They want something they can't have.

  4. Women chase men who are involved with another because the of thrill of the chase.  Once she catches him, she lets him go or keeps him.  That is power.  Its her decision.  A little power goes  along way.

  5. its an ego thing,its about the "chase" can they get him, most of them do, but how long do they keep him, it gives them power makes them feel wanted  

  6. The problem is they don't think of the other woman and her feelings. They only think of themselves and their own satisfaction....which is all too common in this world of ours.

  7. If I knew I would have a much more peaceful life, as I have dealt with these types of women for years concerning my husband. They enjoy being troublemakers in our marriage & our home. It's some kind of sick pleasure they get from attempting to woo him & see how upset they can get me, & laugh at the trouble they cause. I think they are very disturbed women who have no life so they want to ruin others'.

  8. some women just like a challenge

  9. its simple human nature to go after the things that are out of their reach.

    there is this famous saying that goes like "forbidden fruits are sweet"

    when we have something we never know its importance and we take it for granted....and the things that we dont have we tend to run after them even when we know its not good for us

    thats how we humans are...its got nothing to do with seeing or not seeing somebodyelse happy

    its wht we dont have and want!!!

    think about it....every car lover wants an ashton martin...a hand full of us can afford it...but we all want it... yeah!!!

  10. I dont know

  11. Well i wouldn't chase after any man,whether they were with any1 or not,i think women who do must be sad.

  12. Same reason dogs chase parked cars. Just dumb.

  13. The other mans grass is always greener - ie you always want what you shouldnt have.

  14. For some girls, they'd rather make other girls miserable, but in other cases, they find security (or something darn appealing) about a taken man.

    Usually those kinds of girls have problems (insecurity? bad history with men?), stemming from dating jerks and feeling down that she can't find "the one".

  15. well, human are selfish

  16. because the girl will feel empowered if she can steal another woman's man.

  17. Usually because they seem like a challenge..people who do this dont care about the woman..only in it for the ego boost

  18. Because they are really attracted to the guy and they want him to leave who is with to be with them.

  19. h**l if they're chasing me i think i'd better speed up.

  20. It has little to do with wanting or not wanting the other woman happy. Very little.

    What it has to do with is varying types of insecurity. And much of the time it's not just the pursuing woman, often it is also the male.

    Though sometimes it really is the woman, and often she doesn't even realize she's doing it or feels like she can't help herself.

    I majored in psychology and have many years of schooling in the subjects of relationships and all that wonderful stuff under my belt. But in the end some things are too individual for such a broad application of the general trends of these things to apply.  

  21. awww i don..

  22. Tell me about it, HALF PINT's been chasing me for months...

    ...Take a hint love,pmsl.

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