
Why is that so?no place for the poor....?

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why do always poor people of the world have to suffer?i am a poor guy and sometimes i feel that being poor is an abuse to me.




  1. when i hear of a poor person, i think of a homeless guy living under a bridge. some people of the world, including myself, don't have a whole lot of money, but, i don't consider myself to be poor. there are a lot more people in the world that aren't as fortunate as myself, or you. i mean, you have enough money to pay for the internet each month right. some people don't even have the money to put food on their table every night. i am very appreciative for the things i have. i try not to take advantage of them, b/c i might not have them tomorrow. you should be happy for the things you have as well. you have food, clothes, a home, and obviously a computer. be glad you have them.

  2. Im sorry but life is what you make it.

    If you wanna be rich make that happen, get motivated seek ideas....theres plenty of organizations out there, it is unlucky to not have a lot of money but be happy that your alive....!

    Maybe your rich in other ways =?

  3. You are so right.Its the poor only who suffer.The rich earn their riches at the cost of the poor.But you should not feel abused for this.Dont take things lying down.Fight back.Who knows you may be the next millionaire ? Dont feel miserable.I am also like you.But remember God helps those who help themselves.You should not adopt a defeatist attitude.I also survive on hope and put all my efforts in my work.I dont want to be a millionaire.I want that I must have only and only that much to live a decent life.So buck up and put yourself to work.

  4. Poor people have to suffer because their lowered capitol and financial worth prevents them from acquiring an amount of resources comparable to the society of which they are a part of.

    Basically they don't have as much so they don't get as much.

    If being poor is an abuse to you who is the abuser? Is it yourself for not acquiring marketable skills or more financial worth? Is it's your parents for birthing you into a lower economic stratum?  Is it the non-poor who can gain by exploiting your desperation and lack of upward mobility? Is it the other poor people who choose short term benefit over collective advancement. It could also be the corporate exploiters of the poor like pawn shops and predatory lenders.

    It doesn't matter if you feel that being poor is an abuse to you, you should know that it is, you should find out why it is and you should know who's responsible. Then you will be able to overcome poverty.

  5. Stop being a victim.

    What are you doing to make yourself not-poor?

    The world does not owe you a certain standard of living - you have to get out there and earn it like the rest of us.

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