
Why is that the solar power equipments so expensive.?

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Why don't the world body do something to bring the solar power usage to the level accessable to all.

"While the solar business try to make hay while the sun shines

time's running out ...we may not be able to save the earth ....and all that HEY will be burnt too..what a pity it would be!




  1. research cost for the companies making solar equipment are high ,batteries for storing the electricity are improving and are expensive

  2. because by getting solar power equipment, you no longer need as much electricity so its cheaper, that cheapness is what fuels the price for solar power things, the more an object saves money in the future, the more in costs in the present

  3. solar materials are costly

  4. They are very expensive cause of the material.  But, if you want to know how to install solar panels for cheap then I suggest you read up on this guide I am using.  It teaches you the "do it yourself" way of installing solar panels and the most cost effective way of doing it.

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