
Why is that they say that your tongue is the strongest muscles that you have?

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I know I sure couldn't do push-ups using my tongue




  1. cuz it is

  2. because it is. its the strongest muscle because its only a single muscle however all the other muscles in your body have their strength by combining muscles.

  3. i don;t think anyone says that..............

  4. i guess it is strong, because it is constantly moving and hardly ever shuts

  5. The statement that "the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body" appears frequently in lists of surprising facts, but it is difficult to find any definition of "strength" that would make this statement true. Note that the tongue consists of sixteen muscles, not one.

  6. Just because most people use it so often, probably too often.  

  7. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure the jaw muscles are the strongest. But after further research there are different categories for determining strongest muscles, and i think its 3 categories and these are some of the top choices i found for the strongest muscles: glutes, eye muscles, heart , tongue, jaw, uteral and others, so when asking the question you have to establish the factors for which you are inquiring. So most of us who answered are correct and wrong. we should all do a lil more research before trying to say whats what!

  8. Hi..

    You have heard this because the tongue is really made up of many groups of muscles. So, note that the tongue consists of sixteen muscles, and not one muscle alone. The tongue may possibly be the strongest muscle at birth.  These muscles run in different directions to carry out all the tongue's jobs. It has to be strong to with all that talking, mixing food, swallowing, tasting, and germ fighting and it never rests.

    Depending on what definition of "strongest" is used, many different muscles in the human body can be characterized as being the "strongest."

    The tongue is often described in biology texts as the strongest muscle in the body. Wikipedia describes it as "the strongest muscle in the human body proportional to size." It is agreed in science circles that the tongue is the strongest muscle.

    Hope this helps and clarifies it for you. =)

  9. well ... if you do weights with your tongue like you do you with your arms one day you could do a press up with your tongue!! ha ha

    good luck!  

  10. I like the question, hope you find this answer

    I tihnk it's because it was misplaced for a super strong muscle and God tripped and it feel in our mouths

  11. The tongue is the strongest muscle by itself.  

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