
Why is the 4th dimension time?

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Why is the 4th dimension time?




  1. They tried lots of other things like soup, oatmeal and fish, but time was the only thing that fit into Einstein's theorems.

    Surprisingly Captain Crunch cereal was really close and in the 1950's many physicists actually believed it was possible. In the end, the people voting for time won out.

  2. Say I tell you to meet me in room 234.  You say 'when?'

    Say I tell you to meet me at 3 o'clock.  You say 'where?'

    I have to tell you to meet me in room 234 at 3 o'clock.  I have to give you a location for our meeting in space, AND a location for our meeting in time.

    This is why time is the 4th dimension.  We locate things in time just like we locate things in space.  They need each other, one is meaningless without the other.

  3. When you work out what the other three are you will realise why.

  4. time is a 3 d grid. All time happens at the same time, we just experience it linearly

  5. It's an arguement, what do you propose, a recipie for choux pastry?

  6. The fourth dimension is often identified with time in physics, and as such is used to explain the non-Euclidean space-time used in Einstein's theories of special relativity and general relativity.

    If time is considered as the "fourth dimension", the additional fourth spatial dimension would be referred to as the fifth dimension. Alternatively, time can be considered as the 0th dimension, and all positive-numbered dimensions spatial.

  7. Because every property is dependent on WHEN it is, not just what it is.  That's an oversimplification, but I hope it helps.

  8. well, why not!!!!!!!

  9. Because it acts like a dimension - the way we perceive it, we can see ourselves moving forward.  Imagine time as a line, and we're stuck going in one direction.  We can see behind us, but not in front, and we can't go back, only forward.  We're a three-dimensional being in a four-dimensional world.

  10. The simplest thing I can say is that it's because of Einstein. Special relativity shows that time behaves surprisingly like the three spatial dimensions. The Lorenz equations show this. Length contracts as speed increases. Time expands as speed increases.

  11. cuz the other 3 dimensions r already taken....?

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