
Why is the 757 & 767 Type Rating Combined?

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Just wondered why is it that if you receive a type rating 757, you're qualified to fly a 767?

They visually look completely different. The two cockpits are pretty similar but are the flight dynamics? Is that why?





  1. The engines are different. The pressurization and air conditioning panel is a bit different. There are a couple or three limitations that are different. The 767 is a bit bigger and you have to step up a few inches when you enter the cockpit as opposed to the 757 where you step down a few inches as you enter the cockpit.

    After taking the checkride in either variant, you'll only need about three hours ground school in the other variant to get the differences training out of the way. Some airlines will put you into the sim just to give you an idea of what it's like, but statutorily speaking it isn't required.

    Common type ratings are based upon flight characteristics and not necessarily cockpit configurations. Get you type in a 737-100 and you're good for all of 'em, yet the cockpits of the -100 and the -900 (and the BBJ which is included in the same type) are worlds apart.

  2. You pretty much answered your own question.  It's because the cockpits are so similar and thus the procedures that you use between the two aircraft are pretty much the same.  The fact that they look completely different, on the outside, doesn't matter.

    A type rating is more about making sure you know the cockpit the procedures of the plane, not necessarily that you know how to actually physically fly the plane.  Once you get to a point, it's assumed that physically flying any plane is second nature.

  3. Same Cockpit and Controls

  4. The reason the 757 and 767 share a common type rating is because the cockpit configuration and systems are virtually identical. The aircraft may look different and fly a little differently (only a little), but from the pilot's perspective in the cockpit they are very much the same.

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