
Why is the B.B.C turning into a n**i propaganda machine?

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I was watching the opennig ceramony of the olmpics in china on bbc 1 and all i heard from the time the prog started was politics and nothing about the brilliant ceromany the chinese laid out for the world to see.From the time the prog started they critisied every possible thing to do with chinese politics, including when other countires were parading they even mentioned that china had intrests like mineing, construction, etc in those countires.nearly everything said by the bbc was bad things aimed at china, instead of praiseing china for what they have achieved in the olmpics.They even took sides in the georgia/south ossieta conflict, saying the bombardment by the georgians only caused structual damage and no civillian deaths, and when it came to the Russians when they sent in the tanks to stop the conflict they said 1000's of civillians died. I even remember in the Beslan School siege several years ago in southern Russia when several hundred school kids were brutaly murdered by the chechen barbaric terrorists, and on the bbc report they only mentioned those child killing terrorists as (rebels,gunmen, hostage takers) This reminds me of the n**i propoganda of the second world war by hitlers media.




  1. The BBC is run by Liberals now that spend most of their time promoting  the g*y agenda. I think the B.B bit is now Butt Bandits.  

  2. I didn't see the opening of the Olympics, but everything that I have seen on the BBC, seems to me to be overly PC. I have 3 young children, one of them loves cbeebies. If anything this section of the BBC is very much for the ethnically diverse, more so than the white people who may be watching. The ratio of ethnics to whites on their programmes is so much higher, & the subjects that they cover are usually aimed at any race other than British.  

  3. The best broadcaster in the world, leave it alone!

  4. Sky was doing exactly the same, so I heard. And ITV.

    Haven't paid your TV licence this month, mmm?

  5. Years back when I was in the (US) military I listened to the BBC to get the lowdown on things. They've made a huge turn toward the P.C. in recent years, though, and it's about ratings. If they play for the most part to the childish Left they figure to draw a younger, and nowadays less educated, audience. A shame, really. The BBC has even fabricated 'facts' to score points with the audience they think will buy advertised products, & spent its credibility instead.

  6. No, not a n**i propaganda machine a Socialist/Labour one and has been for years. Talking of the Olympics to hear that incompetent waste of space Tessa Jowell criticise the Chinese is the epitome of hypocrisy coming from a member of this government.

  7. it is you that seems to be biased , i remember the cover of the chetnen incident it was fully covered with a lot of sympathy for the victims. And very little for the murderers . As for China it gets all it deserves and more , they should have never been allowed to show the Olympics , The whole spirit of the games have been debased .

  8. Actually, you are the n**i sympathiser with your sycophanitic ignorance of the human rights abuses of the Chinese State.

    The BBC World News is by no means perfect but is one of the remaining bastions agianst the propaganda which you and your selfish conceited arrogant complacent cohort are happy to collude with. Sieg Heil!

  9. Maybe they've gone 'all PC' because they no longer feel the need, unlike some, to broadcast bigotry and discrimination.  

    If people want to broadcast bigotry, then set up your own broadcasting company to rival the BBC.  

  10. why n**i propaganda, surely its United Kingdom propaganda or dont we do anything like that

  11. to me that sounds like n**i propoganda, and nothing else!

  12. When was it not n**i propaganda.

  13. What a load of cr*p.

  14. in the words of Brian Gerish, the BBC is 'RIDDLED' with people from the dodgey 'Common Purpose' organisation.

    this is what you can expect from a group like Common Purpose - don't trust them.

    listen to this talk & decide for yourself.

    it appears long & boring but i guarantee it'll make you S**t your pants when you find out what these scumbags are doing in Britain.

  15. I gave up watching the BBC years ago, it's full of pc people who haven't a clue how the real world thinks.

  16. You should be grateful for the BBC

    Everywhere else wishes they had something comparable.

    Your diatribe sounds like state capitalist propaganda,

    And badly written at that.

  17. The BBC lost all of its credibility when Greg d**e was sacked over the dodgy document affair.Since then they have been acting as a mouthpiece for the Labour Party.

  18. BBC is all propaganda.  They hate the USA, and anyone that does not think like themselves.......makes me chuckle, kinda like the Left Wing Liberals complaining about Fox News and such.

  19. Even if all you said is true, what does that have to do with n**i propaganda?

  20. Because the government is a n**i machine. A n**i machine requires a n**i propaganda machine.

    That's the root of socialism. You didn't use the word n**i accidentally. It's the same case of Germany in 1938. Socialism, big government, total control, propaganda, suppression of dissent...

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