
Why is the BBC so determined to close the case and say that WTC 7 collapsed from fire when it was clearly CD?

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The BBC is now reporting that US "experts" have finally concluded that WTC 7 has collapsed due to fire. It seems that the BBC is desperate to close the case on WTC 7. Why?

Is it because on September 13, 2001, they changed the laws of physics and made the ludicrous claim that fire melts steel at 800 degrees F instead of 2200 degrees F? (Don't believe me check out their own website)

Or was it that they obviously were pre-notified that WTC 7 was going to collapse and they announced that it had collapsed before it did?




  1. Same reason they refuse a public enquiry into 7/7 Tube bombing, because it's a cover up.

  2. OK Mr. Smartypants from you knowlege of the WTC complex and archutecure how much drbree hit WTC #7 when the tow towers fell- how much damage did that cause to the if (-11 was done bu Bush to drum up support for Iraq like some consparcy theorost beleive then why did Bin Ladin who has no ties to Iraq get balmed?

    They also attacked the same spot before why didn't bush just create incidents in Iraq to start a war with Iraq?

  3. Sure, it was a secret controlled demolition. After all that would be FAR easier than simply putting a bomb in WTC7 and saying the terrorists did it.

    And the fires didn't melt the steel. It didn't have to. But at very hard temperatures it loses a great deal of it's strength; enough to make the building collapse.

    Now I have two questions: Why is it so much easier for you to believe that the US government destroyed the towers and so difficult to believe Al-Qaida did it?

    And why hasn't a single one of the hundreds of people (who would have been required for a conspiracy that large-scale) come forward to make millions of $$ writing a tell-all book?

  4. If you actually read the source you posted, you'd realise the BBC reported the tempretaure in Celsius and not Farenheit - 800C equalling about 1500F.

    But as you're clearly a superb physicist, you don't need me to tell you that at that temperature, the integrity of steel is severly compromised.

  5. "clearly CD? "

    Oh, of course, now that YOU'VE Proved it beyond all doubt, they (the BBC) will now bow to your infinite wisdom, and reopen the case.

  6. The BBC are trying to cover up for their puppet-masters.....

    Message to the Beeb.... You are mediawhores and when the truth comes out and the nwo is taken down the producer of this documentry will be hung in the streets like all traiters should be.....

  7. Hmm.

    It does seem a bit premature, considering that as of TODAY according to NIST's web site, the official report for the collapse of WTC7 is not yet available.

    To quote the site as at right now:

    "NOTE: The NIST investigation of the WTC 7 building collapse is not yet complete. The report on the WTC 7 collapse investigation will be released in draft form for public comment and posted on this web site as soon as it is available."

    Maybe the BBC is, again, prophetic about events of 9/11.

    I believe one word can explain it:  "propaganda"!

  8. they had a part in it too.

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