
Why is the Bullmastiff considered to be the number one Guard dog:-?

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I have viewed many sites and the number one guard dog that keeps coming up is the Bull Mastiff. Why?

I think about the Cane Corso for example. The Fila and even the Rottie. Why are the Bull Mastiff's so highly rates. Do you own a Bull Mastiff. Do you consider them to be great guard dogs? I want to get a Female Bull Mastiff this year to go with my Akita Dog. What are your thoughts. A big thank you.




  1. Because of their size, but Mastiff are gentle giants unless trained to do otherwise. They are a working dog so exercise is important

  2. who says the best guard dogs are bullmastiffs ?  Ask 20 different people and you will probably get 20 different answers.  Unless you are reading books by authors who are prone to favor bullmastiffs.  Lots of dogs are great guard dogs.  from the littlest chihuahua to the biggest (bullmastiffs)  Ask yourself first, do I want a dog to only alert me when someone comes around?  Do I want a dog that could fend off an intruder ?  Also you need to take into consideration that you have an Akita.  Read up on those and be aware that they were bred to be fighting dogs.  Same as the "pitbulls" are now.  I owned an Akita and as much as I tried she just couldn't mesh with my dogs at the time.  I have heard a little about cane corso's and fila's.  Great guard dogs but not the easiest to handle.  I consider them to be like a "pitbull" in the controlability dept.  Many dogs are great at being alarms when anyone unfamiliar approaches.  My parent raised Miniature Dobermans and nothing gets past them.  Very similar to their larger cousins, the Dobermann Pinscher.  I have always felt that dogs of the same breed mesh together better.  They are just hard-wired the same. Get it ?  You haven't considered another Akita ?  Think long and hard about every angle.  Just my experience/advise.  Good luck    

  3. In my opinion, the single best guard dog is an actual protection TRAINED dog. In meaning it has been actually TRAINED extensively to be a guard dog.

    But with that being said, mastiffs aren't dogs that can be trained for protection like a german shepherd. They act more like livestock guard dogs. In meaning, they will intimidate but rarely attack if only neccessary and that hardly ever happens. BTW cane corsos and filas are mastiffs as well.

    Cane corsos especially the ones in the u.s. are  bit too nervy in some lines, be careful. Filas as well. Bull mastiff, I believe are the most stable. They can be stubborn but they aren't known to be handler aggressive like a fila. They have been bred to be more compatible with our society unlike new imports such as a fila.

    BTW, be VERY cautious when having two guard dog breeds. The pack mentality is HUGE! You need to be on top of your a game! You hear of some many dog attacks because of these dog packs. Dog packs can make an often normal dog be more territorial and confident.

  4. i used to foster one, for like 2 months, and i think its becuase they get up to 200 pounds (he was 215), they bark extremely deep and intimidating, and when they see an intruder, they dont normally attack the person, they normally knock the person down then lay on top of the person.

    that way, the person doesnt get hurt, and the dog still protects the family.

    but also, ask yourself this.

    would you try to break into a house with a big golden 200 pound dog barking at you?

  5. They are probably rated #1 guard dog because their size and barks are intimidating and they bite when they have to. They would rather bluff first ,pin the intruder down if need be or don't let them by ,then bite as a last resort (not known for mauling) and not a single one I have met has a mean bone in his body. In the old days they were known as "the gamekeepers dog" because they were bred to accompany the gamekeeper on his nightly walks.  

  6.     Bullmastiff are great guard dogs for a place but not the #1 dog for police work, GSDs are with Mals close behind. Bullmastiffs are the size of a Rottie which makes them too big for most police cars plus like Rott's with their short muzzles do not have the stamina for a long chase. Many of the BMs I have seen in classes were dog aggressive with them attacking both male and female dogs. They suffer from bad hips frequently plus other orthopedic problems so getting one from OFA'd parents is very important. In general they don't live as long as other large breeds either.  

  7. Witters, Man That Can!, I wish I had a a bullmastiff.

  8. my cousins have a bull mastiff and that is the lamest dog evr....he is scared of everything and weighs like 250 lbs......its so redilculous

  9. I'm guessing that they rank high for guard dogs simply because of their size and intimidating barks.  I have yet to meet a Bull Mastiff that had a single mean bone in its body.  But, I suppose with ANY dog, they are what you make them and you can train them for that purpose.  As far as getting one to go with your Akita, as long as you introduce them properly, shouldn't be any problems!  I do love Mastiffs so I say go for it!  Good luck!!

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